A new UAP whistleblower has come forward, claiming to have participated in the retrieval of numerous UAP from secret desert test facilities and conducted operations to recover stolen sensor data related to the anomalous objects. Although his job eventually landed him in a situation that threatened the very lives of him and his teammates, the whistleblower also said he had an intense spiritual experience during one UAP encounter that had a profound impact on his life, and he may have been witness to a “psychic dogfight” between two UAP.

Initially working as an aerospace mechanic with the U.S. Air Force in the late 1990s, airman Jacob Barber was recruited into the United States Air Force Combat Control Team due to his proficiencies as a helicopter pilot, skydiver and expert marksman, along with his top-secret NATO security clearance; later, Barber would work as a private contractor for the Defense Department and the intelligence community in a nonofficial capacity, and it was this new role that exposed Barber to the world of the UAP phenomenon.

“I left the Air Force and was sent out to California at that time to begin establishing my cover basis as an independent contractor so that I can serve,” Barber explained in his interview with NewsNation’s Ross Coulthart. “What was coming down the line next for me was the path which led to the UAP subject.”

In September of 2001, Barber was tasked with piloting a helicopter to retrieve crashed aircraft from an undisclosed test facility in the desert.

“A lot of the work we did was on what I call ‘the range,’ where the U.S. government and its private partners used to test all kinds of things—weapon systems and resilience to weapon systems of certain craft—and so you see a lot of exciting things,” said Barber.

“It’s always interesting out there: things come in and out of sight; things disappear for a moment and reappear; things seem to move very quickly; things change color; they change shape.” Barber added that these were “things that were exotic in nature.”

“We know they were classified craft. And we recovered them and took them back to where they go.”

But one object that Barber was tasked with retrieving proved to be profoundly out of the ordinary: a featureless, white egg-shaped object that was about the size of a SUV.

“I saw an egg, a white egg,” Barber said of the object he was sent to transport. “There was no engine. There was no thermal signature. I was operating at night when I finally came in to pick it up.

“So, I’m working under night vision goggles at the time, and it was quite clear. I flipped them up, flipped them down and looked at it a couple of different ways.” And despite not having left the controls of his aircraft, he remarked on how close he came to the object.

“I was a helicopter pilot, and I operate with a 150-to-200-foot-long line. So, I got within 150 feet of this object.”

“Just visually looking at the object on the ground, you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous. It was not human.” Barber described the object as being about 20 feet long, with a seamless surface that was “metallic, pearly white.” The object can be seen in a video independently obtained by Coulthart, from the vantage point of the helicopter that is setting it down on the desert floor.

“I can tell you that the reaction by my team… we all knew we were dealing with something extraordinary.”

“I’ll tell you that because of the reaction of my leadership structure and because of my experience working in that capacity, everyone involved was convinced that what we were seeing and dealing with was, in fact, exotic in its origin,” Barber pointed out. “I will also tell you that during this process, over the last couple of years, it’s been confirmed to me by ranking members of the UAP Task Force that what we were working with that night was, in fact, NHI, and it was not a unique experience.”

The egg-shaped object wasn’t the only anomalous object that Barber was tasked with retrieving: on another mission he transported what he calls an ‘eightgon’.

“The eightgon was essentially a flying disc with what looked like eight delineated sections when looking down,” said Barber. “We did recoveries with the eightgons. There was more than one that made its way to the ground on this particular operation.”

But aside from being an unconventional shape, one of the eightgons also provided Barber with a psychic experience that changed his life forever.

“As I get closer to this site, I start feeling odd, I start feeling extremely emotional, and the closer I get, the more the emotion starts to overwhelm me,” he described of this profound experience. “I feel this intense hybrid of sadness and happiness and beauty and song, and it was very disruptive to me because I had a very practical responsibility at the time to operate a helicopter in the mountains at night. And I began wondering, ‘What was wrong with me?'” Barber explained that this didn’t feel like an emotional breakdown, but rather an entirely different situation that provided him with a feeling that he had never experienced before.

“I felt like something connected with me,” he continued. “I felt like something had tuned in to me and my soul and was providing me some sense of guidance on what to do and how profound what I was doing was. It was so overwhelming that I began to cry.”

“It was a very feminine energy. I’ll tell you that it felt like the spirit of God, but not in any masculine sense. And it wasn’t like a soul; it was like a frequency that I was connected with. And whatever that force was since that night, it has stayed with me. And as crazy as this sounds, it’s what’s guiding me now, and it’s what’s providing protection for me.”

Barber would learn that this craft wasn’t the subject of an accidental crash, but that it was instead summoned by a special team that included members that he described as “psionics’, individuals with a “predisposition for extratemporal abilities and sensitivities,” more commonly known as psychic abilities.

“In the program, there was certainly a desire to explore the idea that perhaps UAP could be summoned, could be communicated with, could be controlled and could be persuaded to land, all by deploying people with psionic abilities to interface and communicate with the UAP,” he explained. Barber said that he has also witnessed their meditation-like process firsthand, and believes that the members of this team are capable of making both a mental and spiritual connection to this exotic technology.

Unfortunately, following this mission Barber and his teammates became gravely ill with symptoms typically associated with exposure to high levels of radiation.

“After this particular mission, I and everyone on my team got extremely sick, like physically ill, in the hospital,” he recounted. “Within weeks after this, I lost every hair on my body, which they call alopecia. I also lost the skin on my arms, so the skin’s actually falling off your body. I ended up developing a severe heart murmur that I’d never had before.”

Barber doesn’t believe that his team was intentionally exposed to the radiation that their package appears to have been emitting, but rather that their employer was unaware that their strange cargo would be that hazardous. He was introduced to Dr. Garry Nolan, an immunologist with Stanford University who has extensive experience in studying anomalous injuries suffered by U.S. Government employees, including both exposure to UAP and “anomalous health incidents” (AHI)—more commonly known as Havana syndrome—that have had devastating effects on hundreds of people.

“The acute injuries were obviously severe,” Nolan remarked. “I mean, the report reads like a bit of a horror show, to be quite honest. To me, the first thing that came to mind was (Barber) was exposed to some kind of radiation.” Under Dr. Nolan’s supervision, Barber is receiving medical care for his injuries.

In addition to his piloting duties, Barber also described having been tasked with retrieving secret information by private companies involved in the program.

“We were deployed on a particular task to recover what we call HVTs, or ‘high-value targets’,” according to Barber. “Those high-value targets were Panasonic Toughbooks—the sensitive material that is on these Toughbooks has to do with sensor data, video that was illegally captured during some of these operations, some of which may be incriminating or classified now.”

Barber’s team recovered the first two Toughbooks, only to find that their hard drives were missing; further intel led them to a lake where they found the missing hard drives submerged under 25 feet of water.

“Yeah, so someone’s going through a lot of effort in order to hide these things,” he remarked. But on a subsequent mission Barber and his team found evidence of an earlier firefight, and that the HVTs they were sent to retrieve were missing. The team began to worry that they were being set up as the fall guys for whatever had gone wrong with the operation.

“We were being prepared for the one thing that we’ve always offered employers, and that is plausible deniability and that we were perhaps going to be the hidden hand that gets severed.”

“Yes, setup is a mild term,” according to Don Paul Bales, a Special Forces veteran who was a part of Barber’s team at the time. Bales corroborated Barber’s crash/retrieval story for Coulthart’s investigation. “The fact that people have lost their lives involved in this type of activity—and the lengths to which people have gone to suppress politically uncomfortable truths—is such that there is risk involved.”

To protect themselves, the team launched their own investigation into who might be setting them up, leading them to one of their prime suspects in Washington, DC.

“I reached out to the director of security for the particular organization and a sister organization, and set up a meeting with them because there were only two truths in my mind: either they were complicit, or they were compromised,” he said. Regarding the issue, the head of the aerospace company Barber had previously worked for told him to just “forget it.”

“If he had any knowledge at all, it was clear he was trying to distance himself from it,” said Barber. “He didn’t want to get involved. But he did provide some advice on where we should go.”

To protect himself and his team, Barber made contact with individuals in Congress and went public with his story. This led to the formation of a group called the Skywatcher Team, who are currently investigating the drone sightings that have occurred along the east coast over the past few months. But when the team tried to re-create a UAP summoning operation, “things got a little weird.”

“I’d say, four or five minutes into the operation, (the psionic) goes, ‘something’s going on, something’s wrong, get me out of here,'” Barber recounted. He speculated that their psionic, who reported that he had taken control of a craft, was being interfered with by a “rogue UAP” that was attempting to disrupt the Skywatcher operation.

“And right about that time, our overwatch, Fred, looked up to the sky and saw a disc, a classic lenticular-shape disk” that appeared to be trying to intercept the egg-shaped craft that the team had appropriated. Their lookout, USAF Special Warfare expert Fred Baker, said that “when we had to pull [the psionic] out, that’s when the egg dropped.”

The members of the Skywatcher Team intend to push Government representatives to disclose the true nature of UAP, along with any criminal activity that has been conducted to keep the matter secret. Barber has already been in contact with staffers for Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), who is slated to become Secretary of State for the incoming administration.

“I feel I was able to fill in gaps that have been there for a long time that no other whistleblower has been able to do,” Barber said in regards to the high-level meeting.

You can watch Jacob Barber’s interview with Ross Coulthart, including the video of the egg-shaped UAP, on NewsNation’s YouTube channel.

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  1. The full interview was posted a few days after the NewsNation story, and is even more revealing: https://youtu.be/t37-SKj4rtY

    It looks like Barber might be the first experiencer to have crashed the nuts-n-bolts paradigm party.

    1. Thanks for the link Matthew.
      Sometimes it’s hard to find videos on the NewsNation YouTube channel. I wish they had a seperate channel for their long-form interviews.

    2. The sad thing is, there seems so far to be almost no coverage of this story by the mainstream media. David Grusch got much more attention at the time, even though people complained that he had only indirect knowledge of the “the program.” Now we have a first hand witness, and he’s ignored…

      1. If the mainstream media were uncontrolled (no one pulling the strings from above), I might be surprised. Sadly, I’m not, at all.

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