A critical part of the sudden climate change scenario is that the oceans must warn enough to melt substantial amounts of polar ice. This will flood the polar oceans with fresh water, causing temperatures in these oceans to rise. This will weaken the fundamental currents that exchange heat across the planet, leading to the kind of weather upheavals predicted in The Coming Global Superstorm.
Sydney Levitus, chief of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations Ocean Climate Laboratory, the principal author of a new study that reveals that the oceans are indeed warming rapidly, sasd, “we’ve known that oceans could absorb heat…Now we see evidence that this is happening.”
The scientists took more than five million readings of ocean temperature over a seven year period, at various depths in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, from 1948 until 1996. With data this extensive, this would appear to be a definitive study, making the position of big corporations and their Global Climate Change Coalition even more inappropriate.
Jim Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies said, “it confirms that the earth is heating up.”
The warmer the oceans get, the more likely that a radical change in ocean currents will take place, changing our climate, essentially, forever, and doing it amid weather upheavals on a scale that we have not known in our history.
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