MORE Odd cures (or preventatives, anyway): The combined effects of exercise plus caffeine consumption may be able to ward off skin cancer.
Chemical biologist Yao-Ping Lu says, "We found that this combination treatment can decrease sunlight-caused skin cancer formation in a mouse model. believe we may extrapolate these findings to humans and anticipate that we would benefit from these combination treatments as well."
Results of the study showed that mice that took a dose of caffeine and exercised with a running wheel experienced 62% fewer skin tumors. The volume of tumors also decreased by 85% compared with the mice that did not consume caffeine or exercise. It seems obvious that, while exercise is part of this regimen, it’s important not to exercise outside WITHOUT sunscreen.
Hey, if you’re going to drink coffee, we suggest you sip from a Dreamland Festival mug! Come toast your favorite Dreamland hosts–and special guest Nick Pope–at our upcoming Dreamland Festival, but hurry: We keep this small so we can have personal interaction with everyone there, which means that tickets are going fast!
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