Tourists Vanish, Leaving Mystery Message

April 15, 2003
First there were threats by terrorists, and bombings of resorts in other countries where Israelis or Americans vacation. Then there was SARS, with warnings not to travel to Asia. Now 31 tourists have been kidnapped from Algeria since February?an alarming... continued

Baghdad Battery, Many Treasures Believed Lost as Iraqi National Museum Looted

April 14, 2003
Chaos broke out at the Iraq National Museum last week, and it has been stripped of artifacts. While many of these priceless treasures were undoubtedly stolen or destroyed by Muslim extremists who have wanted for years to break up all... continued

Space Travel Through Black Holes

April 13, 2003
Black holes may enable us to travel to different universes. Physicist Lior Burko says travel through a black hole is theoretically possible, despite the fact that most scientists think the holes would destroy a spacecraft. But Burko says not all... continued

Your Ancestors Were Cannibals

April 13, 2003
You may be a vegetarian, but your ancestors not only ate meat, they occasionally ate each other. Cannibalism was common among our prehistoric ancestors, according to a new study of the Fore, an isolated tribe living in Papua New Guinea.... continued

Searching for POWS from Both Iraq Wars

April 13, 2003
With so many Iraqi troops killed and communications cut off, it's hard for U.S. troops to find anyone who knows where the POWs are. During the search of a Baghdad military prison where Americans were held prisoner during the 1991... continued

The Radical Middle

April 13, 2003
In our new Insight, Whitley writes, "We live in an increasingly polarized society. Much of the media is also polarized. Talk radio is overwhelmingly dominated by fringe elements of the far right. Now there is a new far left network... continued

Do Your Houseplants Have Jet Lag?

April 13, 2003
Scientists have discovered that plants, like animals, have a 24-hour biological clock. Just as our body clock tells us to wake up, plants have clocks that tell them to prepare for the sun. Plant clocks are set to go off... continued

Sun May be One Reason it’s Getting Hotter

April 11, 2003
Due to global warming, the Earth is heating up. And the greater the population, the warmer it gets. Proof of this has come from records of the air temperature over Houston, Texas, as compare to the air over nearby rural... continued

What are Your Chances of Dying of SARS?

April 11, 2003
An enzyme test that detects lung damage could help determine which patients are more likely to die from SARS, which has already killed 103 people worldwide. Dr. Joseph Sung of Hong Kong's Prince of Wales Hospital is trying to figure... continued

Humans Can’t be Cloned

April 11, 2003
Despite the claims made by Cloneaid, scientists say human cloning may never be possible. Actually, it's primates that can't be cloned (and that's us, too). Hundreds of attempts to clone monkeys have failed, and researchers think is this because of... continued