Murder Sales

April 10, 2003
A few months ago, the French government complained that eBay was auctioning Nazi memorabilia, which is illegal in France. Now New York wants to ban the sale of murder memorabilia, such as strands of a murder's hair or artifacts recovered... continued

Evidence of Ancient UFOs

April 10, 2003
An ancient manuscript written in the 4th Century BC that was found in Tibet by the Chinese in a bundle of Sanskrit documents contains directions for building interstellar spaceships with a method of propulsion that is anti-gravitational. It's described as... continued

Columbia Return OK’d Due to Wrong Data

April 10, 2003
The engineers who decided the space shuttle Columbia could safely return to Earth were studying the wrong computer model. Their analysis, carried out during the flight, concluded that little harm had been done by the piece of foam came off... continued

SARS Typhoid Mary Infected 100 People

April 10, 2003
Researchers think that some people may be more susceptible to SARS than others, and that some may be "Super Spreaders"?Typhoid Mary types who are able to spread SARS rapidly to others. 26-year-old flight attendant Esther Mok is one of these.... continued

Do Crop Circles Affect the Left Brain?

April 10, 2003
In our new Insight,crop circle researcher Michael Glickman writes, "?Looking back, I realize that, in circles, I have often been overwhelmed by a sense of lethargy, lack of focus, loss of memory, a repeated inability to count or do simple... continued

Wild Parakeets in San Francisco

April 9, 2003
Wild parakeets, escapees from pet stores and pet shipments, have set up housekeeping in cities from Los Angeles to Montreal, London to Madrid. In San Francisco, former rock guitarist Mark Bittner near a colony of red-headed parakeets, that have been... continued

A Diet Just for You

April 9, 2003
Your boyfriend can lose weight just by giving up desserts for a week, while nothing you do will budge that extra ten pounds. Researchers have discovered that different genes are responsible for obesity in different groups of mice, so they... continued

Killer Clothes

April 9, 2003
Killer clothes may soon be available, with tiny molecular daggers that latch onto fibers and stab and destroy microbes. Image socks that cure athlete's foot, underwear that cures jock itch, or suits that repel SARS. Military uniforms could even kill... continued

Drug for Dirty Bombs

April 9, 2003
While the U.S. is relieved to be winning the Iraq war, we're all quaking at the thought of possible terrorist retaliation. Now scientists have created a drug called HE2100 that can protect people from the effects of a nuclear attack.... continued

Interview with Whitley

April 9, 2003 has an interview with Whitley Strieber in which he talks about his most popular books. In speaking of his latest, Lilith's Dream, he says, "I chose Egypt because it has a very vampiric feel to it. There is something... continued