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Killer Clothes
April 9, 2003Killer clothes may soon be available, with tiny molecular daggers that latch onto fibers and stab and destroy microbes. Image socks that cure athlete's foot, underwear that cures jock itch, or suits that repel SARS. Military uniforms could even kill... continued
Drug for Dirty Bombs
April 9, 2003While the U.S. is relieved to be winning the Iraq war, we're all quaking at the thought of possible terrorist retaliation. Now scientists have created a drug called HE2100 that can protect people from the effects of a nuclear attack.... continued
Interview with Whitley
April 9, 2003SciFi.com has an interview with Whitley Strieber in which he talks about his most popular books. In speaking of his latest, Lilith's Dream, he says, "I chose Egypt because it has a very vampiric feel to it. There is something... continued
Tree Rocks
April 8, 2003Something strange is going on in the 23,000 acre Yellowwood State Forest in Indiana. At least 5 large rocks are sitting in the tops of tall trees, wedged in the branches. The first one was discovered a few years ago,... continued
Sperm are Fussy About Smell
April 8, 2003Sperm may smell their way to the egg, and they like some smells better than others. One of their favorites is lily of the valley. Researchers have identified an odor receptor in sperm?the same kind found in the nerve cells... continued
Cockroaches Spread SARS
April 8, 2003Experts trying to explain how SARS infected an entire apartment building in Hong Kong now think the cause was cockroaches, who carried the infection from apartment to apartment. It's a unique situation because the disease spread so quickly?with more than... continued
Some Will Fight to the Death for Saddam
April 8, 2003Despite his imminent defeat (and perhaps his death), Saddam Hussein still has thousands of bodyguards and fighters ready to die for him. He has organized units that will fight to their death in his defense, including military intelligence, internal security... continued
Why We’re at War
April 7, 2003In Anne Strieber's new diary, she writes, "Despite the fact that we're proud of our military men with their extraordinary courage and wonderful technology, many of us are still confused about why we're fighting a war in Iraq. Sure, Saddam... continued
Iraqi Official Says Saddam Left Baghdad
April 7, 2003U.S. troops think Saddam is alive and hiding in the network of tunnels that stretch 50 miles around Baghdad. But Haitham Rashid Wihaib, his former chief of protocol, says Saddam left Baghdad for his hometown of Tikrit around April 2nd,... continued
Insects Love Frankenfood!
April 6, 2003One of the main reasons to genetically engineer crops was to develop plants that are resistant to insects, by having pesticide engineered into the plants themselves. But new research shows that insects love GM crops! The first problem is that... continued