Insects Love Frankenfood!

April 6, 2003
One of the main reasons to genetically engineer crops was to develop plants that are resistant to insects, by having pesticide engineered into the plants themselves. But new research shows that insects love GM crops! The first problem is that... continued

Chinese Citizens Kept in Dark About SARS

April 6, 2003
We've finally taken a cue from the Canadians and passed a bill allowing us to quarantine SARS patients against their will, if necessary. Why wasn't this done in China? Instead, SARS was kept secret by their government-controlled media. A Western... continued

Suicide Killers Getting Ready to Strike

April 6, 2003
Terrorists from all over the world are converging on areas in and around the battlefield of the Iraq war, ready to shed blood using the methods only they are willing to use. The Iraqi National Congress reports that a squad... continued

UFO Abduction Pleasant

April 4, 2003
The media portrays alien abduction as a dreadful ordeal, but anthropologist Krista Henriksen has found that people who claim to have been abducted say it's not an unpleasant experience. She says, "[The aliens] tell people they're not alone, that they're... continued

Low X-Ray Doses More Harmful than Big Ones?

April 4, 2003
We've been reassured that low doses of X-rays, like the ones we get at the dentist's office, are not harmful. But now researcher Markus Lobrich says they may be even MORE harmful than higher doses of X-rays. Low doses of... continued

Proof that Second Hand Smoke Kills

April 4, 2003
Most people admit that smoking can kill you, but many of us are unsure about second hand smoke. Surely being in a smoky room can't be that bad for you?but a new study shows it is. The evidence was revealed... continued

Troops Find Al-Qaeda Bioweapons in Iraq

April 4, 2003
Evidence has been found in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq that a group linked to al-Qaeda called Ansar al-Islam was producing three types of chlorine gas, as well as ricin. Documents and equipment were found in the rubble of... continued

SARS Origin Linked to Birds

April 4, 2003
Now that China has finally admitted the SARS epidemic started in the southern province of Guangdong and is letting investigators into the country, new discoveries are being made about the virus. One of these is that the first people who... continued

Have You Kept Your Abduction Secret?

April 4, 2003
In our latest poll, we want to find out how many people have close encounters but keep them secret because of the danger of speaking out. Is this a vast, hidden reality, or do most people who have encounters talk... continued

War Dog

April 3, 2003
U.S. troops brought dolphins to Iraq to locate underwater mines. The Brits brought their dogs, and a springer spaniel named Buster recently unearthed a huge hidden cache of arms that soldiers wouldn't otherwise have found. Buster's discovery was followed by... continued