Have You Kept Your Abduction Secret?

April 4, 2003
In our latest poll, we want to find out how many people have close encounters but keep them secret because of the danger of speaking out. Is this a vast, hidden reality, or do most people who have encounters talk... continued

Saddam Videos May All Be Pre-War

April 3, 2003
The CIA has analyzed the latest video released by the Iraqi government, showing Saddam meeting with his ministers, and now says there's a good chance that ALL the tapes of Saddam that have released since we initially bombed his bunker... continued

Foiling a News Blackout

April 3, 2003
There has been so little news in the U.S. about the new mystery disease SARS, that it's almost a news blackout. Perhaps the news is being downplayed in order to prevent panic, or maybe news organizations are simply preoccupied with... continued

Nude Video Games

April 3, 2003
Those nasty adolescent male video gamers! They've found a way to remove the digital bikinis of the female characters in their games, in a modern substitute for sneaking your Dad's copy of Playboy magazine or oogling the topless women in... continued

War Dog

April 3, 2003
U.S. troops brought dolphins to Iraq to locate underwater mines. The Brits brought their dogs, and a springer spaniel named Buster recently unearthed a huge hidden cache of arms that soldiers wouldn't otherwise have found. Buster's discovery was followed by... continued

Combine Foods to Fight Cancer

April 3, 2003
Eating certain foods together, such as chicken and broccoli or salmon and watercress, can help fight cancer. Combining foods containing the two components sulforaphane and selenium makes them 13 times more powerful than when they're eaten alone, when it comes... continued

Scientist Calls SARS Manmade Epidemic

April 3, 2003
Historical epidemiologist Peter Curson says a lot more infectious diseases like SARS will be spreading worldwide in the future due to our underestimation of the power of viruses and bacteria. He says SARS is a monster of man's own making,... continued

Is Iraq a Religious War?

April 3, 2003
It may not be a religious war for most Americans, who tend to identify with their country, rather than their religion, when it comes to war. However, Muslims see themselves much more as a single religious "nation," and thus are... continued

Our April Fools Page

April 2, 2003
Our April Fool's page received a flood of appreciation, and for that we thank you--especially those of you who were genuinely duped, at least for the few seconds it took a reasonably intelligent person to realize that they were being... continued

Cellphone Weapons

April 2, 2003
Don't use your cellphone just to make calls?use it to attack other cellphones! The design firm Ideo has invented cellphones that discourage people from making unnecessary calls or zap other cellphone users who talk too long or too loudly in... continued