Whitley’s Journal: Strange Days

April 1, 2003
In his latest Journal, Whitley Strieber talks about his joys and sadness in this strange time in which we're living. He has a "growing sense that all the small changes we are seeing around us add up to great change,... continued

SARS Airplane Quarantined in California

April 1, 2003
An American Airlines flight from Tokyo was quarantined on the landing strip at San Jose's airport after five people, including two crew members, complained of SARS-like symptoms. Ambulances lined up near the plane as the 125 passengers and 14 crew... continued

President’s Secret Life Revealed

April 1, 2003
President George Bush today revealed that he has had a secret life for many years as an expert brain scientist. "Yes, I've published over a hundred papers in the area of brain science," the President said on his way to... continued

Bear Paw Export Outrage Shocks UK

April 1, 2003
Authorities are threatening to close one of Great Britain's most famous zoos after it was revealed that it is breeding genetically altered Kodiak Bears in order to sell their paws into the Chinese aphrodisiac market. Bear paw soup is prized... continued

No ET Signals for SETI

March 30, 2003
SETI scientists who used the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico to analyze 150 radio signals collected in the world's biggest computing project found no signs of intelligent life. Susan Lendroth, of the Planetary Society in Pasadena, which sponsors Seti@home,... continued

Lyme Disease Worse in Suburbia

March 30, 2003
With the excitement about SARS, it's easy to forget that Lyme Disease season is coming again. Lyme is carried by ticks that hitch a ride on mice and deer. The increase in Lyme may be caused by the decrease in... continued

Slow Quake

March 30, 2003
If you have to have an earthquake, don't have a shaky one?have a slow one. That's what?s happening in the Northwest right now: an earthquake is slowly unleashing energy that measures 6.7 on the Richter scale. But it's releasing it... continued

SARS Sneaking In While our Minds are on War

March 30, 2003
On this week's Dreamland, science reporter Linda Howe gives us a special report on SARS. It's spreading fast, and health officials now admit they don't have any effective medicine to treat it. An entire apartment building has been infected in... continued

CSI from Space Technology

March 28, 2003
The FBI is working with two NASA scientists to solve crimes. Scientists Paul Meyer and David Hathaway have invented Video Image Stabilization and Registration (VISAR) software, using their experience analyzing satellite video from space. VISAR changes the dark, jittery images... continued

We’ve Got Border Trouble

March 28, 2003
Popular Dreamland guest Jim Marrs says, "It's the dead of night and hundreds of illegal aliens are slipping into our country?Some of them are wearing unidentified military uniforms, black paramilitary uniforms, Chinese Uniforms, Soviet Uniforms and Mexican Army uniforms. Is... continued