Russians Cause Missiles to Hit Civilians?Cheney Daughter Human Shield?

March 26, 2003
Russian arms dealers have supplied Iraq with electronic equipment that can throw U.S. planes and bombs off course. A Russian company is helping the Iraqi military deploy global-positioning system (GPS) jammers that can divert our smart bombs, which are guided... continued

Clone Proof?

March 26, 2003
Clonaid, which claims to have created the first human clones, has distributed a photograph of one of the clones for the first time. In the photo, the baby is in an incubator and can barely be seen. Supposedly, this little... continued

Mystery Disease Now Identified as Cold Virus

March 26, 2003
U.S. and international health officials now think the mystery disease that originated in Asia and is spreading rapidly throughout the U.S. is a tough new version of the common cold. It was earlier reported to be a form of the... continued

New Book from Marrs!

March 26, 2003
A few years ago, Jim Marrs, author of the popular book Rule by Secrecy, wrote a book that blew the cover on the government's clandestine psychic spying program?and was told it couldn't be published! A much tamer book on the... continued

U.S. & Iraq May Be Talking Surrender

March 26, 2003
U.S. officials say that during the past 4 days, they have been talking with senior members of the Iraqi regime about a possible surrender. Washington has relayed their terms for surrender and assured top government officials they'll be spared if... continued

Hackers Attack U.S. Military Computers & Arab Website

March 25, 2003
A hacker recently led a disturbingly successful attack against a U.S. military web server, that took security services completely by surprise. Russ Cooper, of TruSecure, says, "We believe the military was being targeted." The timing of the attack suggests it... continued

Disarm Korea & Iran, Now They Have Nukes?

March 25, 2003
The Iranian government admits it's been secretly building a uranium enrichment plant that can make fuel for nuclear reactors?or for bombs. Experts are questioning why Iran needs nuclear power, since it has plenty of oil. Therefore, it's assumed they intend... continued

Take the Tongue Test

March 25, 2003
Want to find out if you could have a new career as a "super taster?" Some people are actually born with more taste buds than others, meaning they can distinguish different tastes better. If you don't have many taste buds,... continued

Aborigine Weather Reporting

March 25, 2003
Australia's Bureau of Meteorology plans to use Aborigine weather knowledge to help understand their climate. Aborigines in different parts of Australia count as little as two or as many as six seasons. They take note of when the bearded dragon... continued

Strange New World

March 24, 2003
Looking at the TV reports on the war, and reading about the worldwide spread of nuclear weapons, makes Anne Strieber think we're living in a Strange New World. She reflects upon how, in the early hours of the war, a... continued