Radio Signals from ET

March 14, 2003
Astronomers who are searching for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence are studying over 150 radio transmissions that have reached Earth. Using a huge network of home computers, SETI has found millions of strong radio signals since 1999. On March 18, they... continued

If War, Saddam Will Kill His Own People

March 14, 2003
If the U.S. invades Iraq, Saddam Hussein is planning attacks on his own people and will blame the atrocities on the American forces. The Iraqi forces that do the killing will dress in coalition uniforms. The Pentagon is trying to... continued

Coma Cured by Rock Band

March 13, 2003
A German woman who was in a coma for six years woke up after her mother took her to a Bryan Adams concert. Christiane Kittel, who is now 24, went into a coma on June 12, 1997. Doctors think it... continued

Vice Prez Company Does Biz with Terror Countries

March 13, 2003
When New York City comptroller William Thompson, who oversees the city's pension funds, asked Halliburton, General Electric and ConocoPhillips for information about their dealings with Iran and Syria, he found that all three companies were involved. Halliburtion was using a... continued

At Last: A Peanut Pill

March 13, 2003
People with peanut allergies risk their lives getting on airplanes where snacks are passed out. Kids are in danger if they go to a friend's house that has peanut butter in the cupboard. But this may all change soon, due... continued

War Now Scheduled for March 18?

March 13, 2003
An Israeli official says the U.S. military has been ordered to launch the war against Iraq on March 18. Michael Gurdus reported on Israeli TV that the order was relayed by U.S. Central Command to all American forces in the... continued

Russia & U.K. Selling Iran Nuke Material

March 12, 2003
In the U.S., many of us feel that business interests have taken over government policy. We're not alone: the French may be vetoing the war against Iraq because they've been doing business illegally with Saddam. Now it's been revealed that... continued

Imagine Listening?

March 12, 2003
?To the fascinating interviews on Dreamland in your car, in bed or in your living room, with your feet up and a cup of coffee by your side?instead of having to sit at your computer. Listeners have been asking to... continued

Al-Qaeda: Destroy West by Destroying Oil

March 12, 2003
Al Qaeda is trying to get recruits in the Middle East to attack oilfields in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait if the U.S. attacks Iraq, according to U.S. intelligence. The recruitment campaign is looking for radical Muslims in Saudi Arabia and... continued

How Mind Reader Works!

March 12, 2003
We couldn't figure out how the Mind Reader works, so a more mathematically adept reader from Canada did it for us: A double-digit number minus the sum of its digits is ALWAYS a multiple of 9. So all the Mind... continued