Life Like a Spy Movie

March 7, 2003
South Korean film director Shin Sang-ok and his actress wife Choe Eun-hui have lived a life that sounds like a spy movie. They spent years as prisoners of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il. Choe was kidnapped in Hong Kong by... continued

Getting Warm Weather Trees to Grow in Cold Places

March 7, 2003
If the greenhouse gas gobbling Jatoba tree, which grows in rainforests, could be planted in cold climates, it would help compensate for the CO2 given off by auto and power plant emissions. Swedish scientists now think they may be able... continued

Al-Qaeda May Nuke Oilfields

March 7, 2003
U.S. intelligence thinks al-Qaeda may have nuclear weapons, and says a secret stash of nukes may still exist somewhere in Afghanistan. In December, enough low-grade uranium-238 was discovered in tunnels near a former al-Qaeda base there to make one "dirty"... continued

What Interests You Most

March 7, 2003
In our latest poll, we asked you what topics on Dreamland interest you the most. Here's the list, in order of preference: 1. UFOs and Abductions 2. Lost Worlds of the Past 3. Secret Societies 4. Prophecy 5. Political Conspiracies... continued

Bin-Laden Sons Captured?or Not?

March 7, 2003
Pakistan intelligence has announced that 7 al-Qaeda members were killed and 8 wounded in a recent operation carried out by "allied forces" in Afghanistan near the Pakistan border, and that 2 of the wounded are Osama bin-Laden's sons. However, the... continued

Got World’s Biggest Cheeto? Sell it on E-Bay!

March 7, 2003
Mike Evans found a Cheeto in a bag he bought that's the size of a small lemon and weighs about half an ounce. He was wise enough not to eat it?instead, he posted it on eBay, where it was eventually... continued

World’s Worst Water Comes from?Belgium?

March 6, 2003
Belgium has the world?s worst water, according to UNESCO. It's dirtier than the water in India, Jordan and nine African countries. The next worst European country is Germany, in 57th place. The best water comes from Finland, Canada and New... continued

Lawyer Arrested While Using Internet

March 6, 2003
Former Santa Fe public defender Andrew J. O'Connor was handcuffed last Thursday at the St. John's College library and interrogated by Secret Service agents for several hours. He was taken from the school's library about 9 p.m. while he was... continued

911 Funded by New York Muslims

March 6, 2003
With the January arrest of the chief fundraiser for al-Qaeda, it's been discovered that 911, which affected New Yorkers the most, was financed with funds raised in Brooklyn. Mohammed Ali Hassan Al Moayad, who was arrested in Germany on Jan.... continued

U.S. Snooping May Affect UN War Vote

March 6, 2003
The London Observer says it has intercepted a 12239,905954,00.html,memo describing a U.S. surveillance operation on UN delegates that involves tapping their home and telephone calls and e-mails, in order to find out who is for or against the war on... continued