Lawyer Arrested While Using Internet

March 6, 2003
Former Santa Fe public defender Andrew J. O'Connor was handcuffed last Thursday at the St. John's College library and interrogated by Secret Service agents for several hours. He was taken from the school's library about 9 p.m. while he was... continued

911 Funded by New York Muslims

March 6, 2003
With the January arrest of the chief fundraiser for al-Qaeda, it's been discovered that 911, which affected New Yorkers the most, was financed with funds raised in Brooklyn. Mohammed Ali Hassan Al Moayad, who was arrested in Germany on Jan.... continued

U.S. Snooping May Affect UN War Vote

March 6, 2003
The London Observer says it has intercepted a 12239,905954,00.html,memo describing a U.S. surveillance operation on UN delegates that involves tapping their home and telephone calls and e-mails, in order to find out who is for or against the war on... continued

New Orleans Sinking Fast

March 5, 2003
We read about Venice sinking into the sea, but New Orleans is sinking right here at home. Most of North America is built on bedrock, but New Orleans is built on Mississippi River silt, which is settling, due to gravity.... continued

Was it ESP or Bad Driving?

March 5, 2003
An Italian woman says she dreamed about a fatal car crash and told the victim's brother many details about it. Now she's been charged by police who suspect she had something to do with the accident. Is this a case... continued

Stonehenge Built as Female Symbol

March 5, 2003
The reason Stonehenge was built 4,800 years ago remains mysterious. Archeologists have speculated that it was a place of worship or an early calendar. But a gynecologist thinks its design may be based on female genitalia. Gynecologist Anthony Perks first... continued

Global Warming Caused by Sea Gas

March 5, 2003
Scientists have found evidence that during past periods of global warming, methane gas was released from the ocean floor. They found fossils from bacteria that fed only on methane that lived on the ocean floor near Santa Barbara 70,000 to... continued

An Antidote to Fear

March 5, 2003
Is duct tape really the answer? No Such Thing as Doomsday by Philip L. Hoag cuts through the nonsense with sober, sensitive advice that will really help! This classic book is invaluable in the current climate of fear, because it... continued

Modern Life Makes Everyone Fat

March 4, 2003
It's not just happening in the U.S.--people are getting fatter all over the world. Processed foods, which are high in saturated fats, sugar and salt, may be the cause, according to the World Health Organization. Surprisingly, the problem has similar... continued

Sun to Explode in Six Years?Not!

March 4, 2003
Recently a rumor has been racing around the internet that Dutch astrophysicist Dr. Piers van der Meer has announced that the sun is going to explode in six years. This rumor started with an article published on the Weekly World... continued