Evidence of Extra Dimensions

February 27, 2003
Scientists know there are more than the 3 dimensions we experience (4, if you include time as one of them), but they don't know what or where they are. "We have a number of hints from experiments and theoretical ideas... continued

Ancient Batteries Could be Lost in War

February 27, 2003
Archeologists are worried that the extraordinary ancient relicts of Iraq may be injured or destroyed during the upcoming war. Iraq is supposed to be the site of the Garden of Eden and the Tower of Babel, and its early civilizations... continued

New Terrorist Attack Next Week?

February 27, 2003
Could rumors of terrorist attack themselves be a form of terrorist attack? An attack will hit the U.S. next week, according to an Islamist website. On Monday, the site said, "the train of death is on its way" within 10... continued

Chicken Soldiers

February 27, 2003
We don't mean cowardly people, we're talking about real chickens. The Delta Company, now stationed in Kuwait near the border with Iraq, has been buying up local chickens that they hope will warn them if Saddam sends chemical weapons their... continued

Astronaut Anti-Barf Training

February 27, 2003
Despite the recent breakup of the Columbia, astronauts are continuing their training, getting ready for future shuttle trips, although these may contain smaller crews. If you've ever gotten seasick, or airsick in a small plane, think of what astronauts go... continued

Blame Saddam’s Childhood

February 27, 2003
CIA profiler Jerrold Post has developed a psychological portrait of Saddam Hussein from his biographies, speeches, policy decisions, and interviews with people who've met him. "This is not a madman. Let me be clear," Post says. "This is a psychologically... continued

Newton Predicted World’s End in 2060

February 26, 2003
Sir Isaac Newton predicted the world will end in 57 years, in 2060. The prediction is part of a handwritten document discovered in Jewish National Library in Jerusalem. However, we don't need to worry much about it, because although Newton... continued

Bombmakers Can be Traced

February 26, 2003
A bombmaker's identity can be traced from DNA left on bomb fragments after an explosion. This will make it easier for terrorists to be brought to trial. When researchers set up an experiment to see whether DNA could be detected... continued

Would You Want to Know?

February 26, 2003
It could come next year, or not for a million years, but some day an asteroid will be heading this way. If an impact couldn't be avoided and the result would be devastating, would you want to know? Or would... continued

After Saddam, it’s Iran, Libya and Syria

February 26, 2003
The U.S. won't rest after getting rid of Saddam Hussein. According to Richard Perle, of the U.S. Defense Advisory Board, our next targets will be Iran, Libya and Syria. He says, "Change is needed in all those three countries and... continued