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Iran Getting Ready to Fight
February 25, 2003Iran used to be our enemy but lately, they've been acting more friendly. But the war against Iraq has them worried, and they're getting technological assistance from China and North Korea in order to develop missiles and weapons of mass... continued
Fake Trees Could Clean Up
February 23, 2003If we can't prevent air pollution from happening, why not install air cleaners instead? Trees are natural air scrubbers, taking in the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen, so Klaus Lackner invented an artificial tree. It's not very... continued
Clouds: They’re New & Blue
February 23, 2003Global warming may have created a new type of cloud called noctilucent or "night shining" clouds (NLCs). They're thin and wispy and have an electric blue glow. "Over the past few weeks we've been enjoying outstanding views of these clouds... continued
UFOs in New Federal Budget
February 23, 2003The government may deny the existence of UFOs, but there's still room for them in the federal budget. In a passage titled "Where Are the Real Space Aliens?" President Bush's budget document says, "Despite all the space aliens that appear... continued
U.S. Has Plan to Punish Germany
February 23, 2003The Observer (UK) is reporting that the U.S. has plans to punish Germany for leading the international fight against a war in Iraq. Under this plan we would withdraw all our troops and bases, which will cost the Germans billions... continued
Model Rockets Shot Down by Homeland Security
February 23, 2003The demise of model rocketry may seem like a small price to pay for homeland security, but for those who love to build and fly them, it's a major tragedy. But they can't fly without solid rocket motors, and UPS... continued
Dreamland Mega Special
February 22, 2003A Message From Whitley Strieber: We have unexpectedly ended up with what I believe to be the most important Dreamland I have ever broadcast. I did not know that it would happen like this. But it has. For details, keep... continued
The Abused Do Not Always Abuse
February 21, 2003When we read about pedophiles and learn that few of them can ever change, we despair because almost all sexual abusers were abused as children themselves. It seems like there's a continuous, unending cycle of abuse being passed on. Now... continued
We’re Playing North Korean Wargames
February 21, 2003The U.S. and South Korea Monday are staging two major joint wargames next month, playing out a nuclear threat from North Korea. Wargames like these are often played before major military maneuvers are launched. The U.S. says the games are... continued
African AIDS Came From Needles, Not Sex
February 21, 2003A new study says that the re-use of dirty needles in healthcare is the main cause of the AIDS epidemic that is depopulating Africa. For years, researchers puzzled over the fact that they could find no common sexual practices that... continued