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Has the Government Gone Too Far?
February 21, 2003In our latest poll, we asked you: Do we need the extreme security measures recently proposed by the Justice Department? Most of you (71%) think the government's gone too far this time. Only 29% of you think they're necessary to... continued
Mysterious Labyrinth
February 21, 2003Identical images of a mysterious labyrinth can be found all over the world?could they be the memory of something that was once very real? click here to find out. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will... continued
Montezuma’s Blessing
February 21, 2003Bacteria isn't always bad?the same bug that gives travelers "the runs" can protect you from colon cancer. Scientists have discovered that the bacteria that causes Montezuma's Revenge also slows the growth of dividing colon cancer cells, which may be the... continued
The Abused Do Not Always Abuse
February 21, 2003When we read about pedophiles and learn that few of them can ever change, we despair because almost all sexual abusers were abused as children themselves. It seems like there's a continuous, unending cycle of abuse being passed on. Now... continued
We’re Playing North Korean Wargames
February 21, 2003The U.S. and South Korea Monday are staging two major joint wargames next month, playing out a nuclear threat from North Korea. Wargames like these are often played before major military maneuvers are launched. The U.S. says the games are... continued
African AIDS Came From Needles, Not Sex
February 21, 2003A new study says that the re-use of dirty needles in healthcare is the main cause of the AIDS epidemic that is depopulating Africa. For years, researchers puzzled over the fact that they could find no common sexual practices that... continued
U.S. May Use Mini Nukes
February 20, 2003A leaked Pentagon document reveals the U.S. may produce a new kind of smaller nuclear weapon, designed for use in conventional warfare. This would mean abandoning global arms treaties. These weapons have a destructive power of less than five kilotons,... continued
Why are We Drawn to Mona Lisa’s Smile?
February 20, 2003The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1500s, is famous for her mysterious smile. We're fascinated by the smile because it disappears when it's looked at directly, says Margaret Livingstone of Harvard University. It's only apparent when... continued
New Theory of How Moon Created
February 20, 2003Despite the fact that we're able to send probes far out into the universe, we still don't know how our own Moon was created. Astrophysicist Dr. Robin Canup has a new theory?he says the Moon was created in a double... continued
Key Shuttle Debris May be Lost Forever
February 20, 2003The space shuttle Columbia started shedding debris as it flew over California, but these crucial first pieces may never be found, because they probably burned up in the atmosphere. To survive the descent to the ground, debris would have "to... continued