Israel Will Fight Back This Time

February 16, 2003
Israel has greater military capabilities than it did during the Gulf War, and will certainly retaliate against any Iraqi missile strike on them during our war against Iraq. This could complicate and length the war. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says... continued

Our Healthcare is Failing

February 16, 2003
According to Dr. Floyd Bloom, president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the U.S. healthcare system is "in imminent danger of collapse," despite the fact that we spend more on medicine than any other country. He... continued

Incredible Treasure Hidden in the Ocean

February 16, 2003
A 500-foot-wide mountain of gold, silver and other valuable metals has been found buried two and a half miles beneath the ocean floor, in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. These aren't manmade treasures?they're natural accumulations of riches from volcanic... continued

Happy Valentine’s from the Skunk Ape

February 14, 2003
The Himalayas have the Yeti, Indonesia has the Orang-Pendek, the Pacific Northwest has Bigfoot. But there is no crypto-primate quite like Florida's Skunk Ape. The skunker is famous not only for a smell so powerful that it has been known... continued

Valentines from Anne & Whitley

February 14, 2003
For Valentine's Day, Whitley and Anne Strieber have written about their life together?and have put their stories up on the website without looking at each other's words beforehand! Let's just hope this doesn't end a beautiful friendship. Read Anne's Diary... continued

Do You Have Android Appeal?

February 14, 2003
Artificial intelligence experts have invented a robotic head named Doki, which can scientifically determine how attractive women are to men. But it doesn't work in reverse, because women's tastes in men are more complex and aren't based on looks alone.... continued

Taking the Terror Out of Terror Weapons

February 14, 2003
The general media is feeding the fires of terror by warning us about the possibility of chemical and biological agents being unleashed without also telling us how to survive. SFC Red Thomas (Ret) Armor Master Gunner offers a reality check.... continued

Sleeping Volcanoes are Really Alive

February 13, 2003
Scientists are surprised to find that four dormant volcanoes in South America are actually active, a discovery that has serious implications for volcanic areas around the world. They used satellite imaging techniques to study the volcanoes and found that 900... continued

Bigfoot Prints in Colorado

February 13, 2003
While some Bigfoot prints have been faked, not all of them are. Trevor Denny is one of the people who has seen and photographed a Bigfoot footprint. He was hiking with his dog on the Mesa Cortina trail in Colorado... continued

Ice Blocks Keep Fallin’ on My Head

February 13, 2003
Another block of ice fell from the sky in Santa Cruz, California. The last one crashed through the ceiling of a child's bedroom, but this one crashed through the roof of a boat while the owner was inside. Ray Erickson... continued