Glacier Turns into Lake

February 11, 2003
A new lake has been born in Nepal, that's half a mile long and over 300 feet deep. It's also 4 miles above sea level, because twenty-five years ago it was a glacier. "It's an important piece of evidence that... continued

How Iraq Wargame Plays Out

February 11, 2003
In the Gulf War 2 online game, players assume the role of President Bush. About 20,000 people play the game every day. It starts with Baghdad's quick fall, but that doesn?t mean the war is over. There's an Iraqi anthrax... continued

Shuttle Broke Up in Mystery Atmosphere

February 11, 2003
The space shuttle Columbia broke up in a mysterious area of the upper atmosphere called the ionosphere, which is filled with free electrons?or ions?that can reflect electromagnetic energy, producing strange electrical effects like "elves," "sprites" and "blue jets." Until recently,... continued

Why Do We Hiccup?

February 11, 2003
Scientists finally think they may be able to explain why we get the hiccups. French researchers think it may be because our ancient ancestors lived in the sea and had gills. Scientists have been searching for the reason we hiccup... continued

Shuttle Crew Could Have Aborted Launch

February 10, 2003
The deadly launch of the Columbia space shuttle could have been aborted in time to save the crew, as soon as NASA spotted the large piece of foam that fell from it, but communications problems prevented the information from getting... continued

Whitley’s Journal: Terror by Night & Fog

February 10, 2003
Whitley Strieber writes, "Last night I read a document that turned my blood to ice?The first page of the document is marked 'Confidential?Not For Distribution.' It is clear that an attempt is being made to conceal this bill from congress... continued

Wear an Invisible Spring Coat

February 10, 2003
A Tokyo professor may have been inspired by rumored U.S. invisibility camouflage for fighter jets, which makes the lower surfaces of an airplane project an image of the sky above it, rendering the plane invisible. He's applied this technique to... continued

And Hay Fever Too

February 10, 2003
Global warming is making the hay fever season last longer, because trees and grasses are sprouting earlier than normal. "Higher temperatures and climate change is adding to people's woes still further. This really is the first time there has been... continued

Global Warming Makes Mercury Pollution Worse

February 10, 2003
The UN Environment Program (UNEP) says pollution from everything from gold mining to burning coal in power stations has tripled mercury levels in the air. Mercury gets into the food chain, and can cause brain and nerve damage resulting in... continued

PCs Search for Smallpox Cure

February 7, 2003
Scientists are working with computer nerds to find a cure for smallpox using screen savers. Their idea is to use the idle processing power of 2 million personal computers to look through millions of molecular combinations in hopes of finding... continued