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Anne’s Diary: The Dreary Spread of Sameness
February 6, 2003Anne writes, "While Clear Channel never told us what to say on Dreamland, they definitely do promote their doctrines and beliefs over the airwaves, which is probably why they didn't try to keep us on after Art Bell retired, despite... continued
NASA: Probably not the Insulation
February 6, 2003NASA now thinks that something other than insulation from the booster hitting the left wing of the space shuttle Columbia during liftoff caused the shuttle to disintegrate on re-entry. A photograph taken by an amateur astronomer in San Francisco showing... continued
The Books You’ve Waited For are Back
February 6, 2003We've had such interesting guests on Dreamland lately that you've bought up our entire stock of their books and we've had to reorder. Now we have plenty of Voyages of the Pyramid Builders and The Field and Hitler's Flying Saucers... continued
To Live a Long Life, Keep Shaving
February 6, 2003To find your approximate date of death, measure your telomeres. These are the pieces of DNA that protect the ends of our chromosomes and control how fast our cells age, and scientists think shortened telomeres cause early death. Some cloned... continued
More Cocaine, Less Fun
February 6, 2003William Burroughs, perhaps the world's most famous drug addict, once confided to Whitley Strieber that an addict is always chasing the thrill he got from his first hit. The more they take a drug, the less pleasure they get, which... continued
Ice Blocks Still Falling From the Sky
February 6, 2003For the third time in a year, a mysterious chunk of yellow ice has landed in the yard of a house in Davenport, Iowa. Ernest McDonald says that more than one person has blamed this on "pee bombs" that fall... continued
Joe College is Being Watched
February 5, 2003College is supposed to be a place where you can try out radical new ideas and enjoy free speech, but that's gotten dangerous now that campus police departments are helping federal agents track down terrorists. Many of the 911 terrorists... continued
New 911 Planned
February 5, 2003According to U.S. intelligence, al-Qaeda is planning a new attack as big as September 11, although it may have been disrupted by arrests of terrorists during the past few months."The attack will be large-scale," one official says. The major attack... continued
Communion is Here?Signed by Whitley!
February 5, 2003Thousands of you have asked us to stock signed copies of Whitley Strieber's important book Communion, about his initial visitor experiences, so it's now in our store. This is the book that changed the public perception about UFOs, and changed... continued
New Viruses Tracked in Hot Zones
February 4, 2003AIDS is considered to be a new virus, because it has only recently mutated so that it can invade human beings. Virus hunters are now trying to catch another newly created viruses early, so they can take preventative action to... continued