New 911 Planned

February 5, 2003
According to U.S. intelligence, al-Qaeda is planning a new attack as big as September 11, although it may have been disrupted by arrests of terrorists during the past few months."The attack will be large-scale," one official says. The major attack... continued

Communion is Here?Signed by Whitley!

February 5, 2003
Thousands of you have asked us to stock signed copies of Whitley Strieber's important book Communion, about his initial visitor experiences, so it's now in our store. This is the book that changed the public perception about UFOs, and changed... continued

New Viruses Tracked in Hot Zones

February 4, 2003
AIDS is considered to be a new virus, because it has only recently mutated so that it can invade human beings. Virus hunters are now trying to catch another newly created viruses early, so they can take preventative action to... continued

Where UFOs are Seriously Studied

February 4, 2003
The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), located just off the Las Vegas strip, is a place where scientists take UFOs seriously. "We don't study aliens," says biochemist Colm Kelleher. "We study anomalies. They're the same thing in a lot... continued

What You Liked Best

February 4, 2003
Here are the most-read stories on for the month of January: The story with the highest number of "hits" was Poles Ready to Flip, about how magnetic North and South could reverse any time and the consequences for us.... continued

New Whitley’s Journal: the Call of the Seven Stars

February 4, 2003
There is tremendous worldwide sorrow over the loss of the seven astronauts aboard the space shuttle. It's much greater than the sadness that would attend the loss of a 747 with 350 people aboard. There is a reason for this,... continued

A Message from NASA Science News

February 4, 2003
We are NASA Science News subscribers. This just came in our e-mail from them. They have said it so very, very well. Feb. 4th, 2003: At the dawn of the space age some 40 years ago, we alwaysknew who was... continued

NASA Says Goodbye

February 4, 2003
We are subscribers to NASA Science News. We have just received this e-mail from them. They have said it so very, very well: "Feb. 4th, 2003: At the dawn of the space age some 40 years ago, we alwaysknew who... continued

How Do You Feel?

February 2, 2003
In this week's poll we ask you how you feel about the overall performance of George Bush. And whether you're for or against the Iraq war (or undecided), you'll want to join our prayer group in their new prayer for... continued

Shuttle: Astronomer Records Mystery Flash

February 2, 2003
The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that a Bay Area amateur astronomer has photographs showing odd flashes of light, apparently an electrical discharge, around the space shuttle Columbia during the early phase of re-entry, just before the shuttle broke up.... continued