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Here’s the Problem?
January 28, 2003Doctors can't figure out why Americans keep getting fatter, but Harvard economists can. The obesity crisis is the first time the classic economic model has been proved wrong, because in this case, increases in convenience and efficiency haven't benefited society.... continued
Environmental Tests are Worthless
January 28, 2003We rely on environmental testing to tell us if our water and soil is safe. Now it turns out test results are being manipulated to the extent that they are almost totally worthless. The Bush administration is putting people on... continued
Obnoxious Spam
January 28, 2003We've all read the usual year?s end lists, like "Best Movies of 2002," but how about the most obnoxious Spam? 2002 was a big year for Spam?30% of the e-mail we received were unsolicited ads, and it's predicted that Spam... continued
More UFOs in Malaysia
January 28, 2003Peter Levenda, author of Unholy Alliance, regularly reports on UFOs in his adopted country of Malaysia?news that doesn't reach us here in the U.S. He writes, "In the Chinese language newspaper Nanyang Siang Pau on January 24, 2003 there was... continued
Pig Vaccine Gets Into Food Crop
January 28, 2003Food crops in Texas have been contaminated by an experimental pig vaccine that was put into GM corn. The newest genetically-engineered crops are "biopharmed," which means genes containing drugs and industrial chemicals are put into food crops. But if these... continued
Clandestine Plan All Along?
January 28, 2003Elaine Sciolino, in the January 28 edition of the New York Times, writes that we may not have to wage war against Iraq, because Saddam may be toppled by a coup led by opposition leader Ahmad Chalabi, of the Iraqi... continued
Who Created Face on Mars?
January 27, 2003We asked that question in our latest poll and received the following answers: Most of you (39%) think it was created long ago by Martians, closely followed by those (35%) who think it's a natural formation. 13% think it was... continued
Signs of the Times
January 27, 2003No, not the usual depressing ones about global warming, upcoming war and a bad economy. These are the kinds of signs that make the day brighter. Who knows if they're real? Despite the recent worm that seems to have killed... continued
Evidence of Black Pharaohs
January 27, 2003Archeologists have uncovered a 2,000 year old pit in northern Sudan that filled with ancient statues of the Nubian kings who were known as the black pharaohs. The black pharaohs ruled over a powerful empire stretching along the Nile Valley... continued
Strange Spheres Still a Mystery
January 27, 2003One of the strangest mysteries in archaeology are the huge spherical stones of Costa Rica. In the 1930s, banana plantations started here, and workers clearing the forests found over 300 perfectly round stones that range from a few inches to... continued