Secret Weapon to Take Iraq to Stone Age

January 22, 2003
The U.S. has a secret weapon they plan to unleash in the war against Iraq called "high power microwave technology" or HPM. Officially, HPM is classified, but information has leaked out (probably intentionally, in order to scare Saddam). It was... continued

Sex?the New Frontier

January 21, 2003
Psychologists have found that taking birth control pills changes women's taste in men. Women on the pill like more macho types, with strong jaw lines and prominent cheekbones. These traits are linked to macho personality traits because testosterone builds up... continued

Moon & Mars Face: Unanswered Questions

January 21, 2003
Is there evidence of life on the moon or on Mars? While NASA downplays these provocative questions, new evidence keeps coming up?so they never quite go away. Astronomer James O'Meara looked at the moon through his telescope and saw what... continued

Bigfoot…in Britain?

January 21, 2003
Britain is the country traditionally associated with ghosts and fairies?but Bigfoot? However, Bigfoot encounters are being reported all over the U.K. and have increased dramatically over the last six weeks. They've been seen in a forest in Sussex, and reported... continued

What Do You Think About the Face on Mars?

January 21, 2003
In this week's poll, we ask you if you think the face on Mars was created eons ago by Martians or by a lost, space-traveling human civilization. Was it created by aliens from outside our solar system?or do you think... continued

An Old Friend May Disappear

January 20, 2003
If there's one thing we take for granted, it's bananas. They're always cheap and available on the grocery store shelves. But it turns out they may vanish in a decade if we don't develop new blight-resistant varieties. Could we be... continued

Human Clones May Have Genetic Defect

January 20, 2003
The Raelian group claims to have produced two human clones (with more on the way), but refuses to let scientists see the babies. This could be because they have some of the genetic defects commonly found in animal clones. Clones... continued

England Shows Signs of Climate Change

January 20, 2003
Coastal cities and island nations are where where global warming and rising sea levels will have the most effect. England will be especially hard hit because the Gulf Stream, which now keeps Britain warm, will drop down, giving the U.K.... continued

Whitley’s Journal: The World in Evening Light

January 20, 2003
Whitley Strieber writes, "We are going to experience both sudden climate change and magnetic pole shift over the same few years?and that by the end of another ten years or so, we will be living in a world with radically... continued

Euroseti to Exhibit SOHO Satellite UFO Images

January 20, 2003
For years, NASA has claimed that images of strange objects picked up by Space Shuttle cameras and satellites are nothing but camera errors or misidentified images. But now hundreds of UFOs have been captured by the European SOHO satellite, which... continued