Are the Raelian Cloners Crazy?

January 14, 2003
Richard Dolan writes, "If the Raelians were even remotely representative of UFO research, I would never have entered the field. Any 'legitimate' UFO researcher (yeah, I know, none of us are really legitimate) undoubtedly grimaces whenever Vorilhon's group gets media... continued

Anne’s Diary: Are SUVs Evil?

January 13, 2003
The columnist Arianna Huffington says so, and Christians ask, "What would Jesus drive?" The rest of us feel like a mouse in the midst of a herd of elephants as we try to negotiate our normal-sized vehicles around them and... continued

Anne’s Diary: Are SUVs Evil?

January 13, 2003
The columnist Arianna Huffington says so, and Christians ask, "What would Jesus drive?" The rest of us feel like a mouse in the midst of a herd of elephants as we try to negotiate our normal-sized vehicles around them and... continued

Men Have Men-opause

January 13, 2003
Men: Are you feeling moody? Having hot flashes? It turns out that one-third of men experience these menopausal symptoms, according to Swedish researchers. But there's good news: you no longer have to blame yourself for your beer belly, since it?s... continued

First Human Genes Still Alive in India

January 13, 2003
In Tamil Nadu, on India's East Coast, geneticists Spencer Wells and R.M. Pitchappan have found strains of genes that were present in early man when he first left Africa 60,000 years ago. When these first humans came to that part... continued

Iraq Has Weapons Thanks to Us

January 13, 2003
The U.S. and U.K. sold Saddam Hussein the technology and materials needed to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction, according to reports by the U.S. Senate. Under the successive administrations of Ronald Reagan and George Bush Senior,... continued

No Water (or Life) on Mars?

January 10, 2003
After the exciting news that there may be water on Mars, Australian geologist Nick Hoffman says that the gullies near the south pole that form as the ice cap retreats in the spring are made by gaseous carbon dioxide, not... continued

Whitley’s Journal: The Coming War

January 10, 2003
Whitley Strieber writes, "We are very close to war with Iraq?What troubles me is the total lack of media interest in educating the public about why the president would think that this war is so essential to our welfare and... continued

Vampires Still Available

January 10, 2003
We still have a few copies left of Whitley Strieber's vampire trilogy. All books are autographed. They are Lilith?s Dream (the most amazing vampire you?ll ever meet), The Last Vampire (Miriam chased through the vampire tunnels of Paris), and his... continued

Would YOU Go?

January 10, 2003
If you had 30 seconds to decide whether or not to go to another world, would you take the chance? We want to find out how many of you would go with no conditions or only if you could take... continued