Can Chimps Really Talk?

January 6, 2003
There's a big controversy over whether chimps and other primates can really be taught to "talk," using sign language and key pads?or if they are only copying their keepers in order to please them and get treats. Now a new... continued

Cells are Ringing

January 6, 2003
The Japanese company Modtones hires musicians to translate hit tunes and television themes into the beeps that announce you have a call on your cell phone. In Europe and Japan, customers have spent about $1 billion to have their ring... continued

Four Titles Sold Out!

January 3, 2003
Four titles are already SOLD OUT in our January White (pages) Sale, so get there before the book you want is gone. We've marked down a group of wonderful books, including "The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI," "Galactic... continued

Space Weather Changes Our Weather

January 3, 2003
Long-term climate changes, as well as our daily weather, are linked to the sun's activity. We're especially affected by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are huge bubbles of electrified gas. "Coronal mass ejections are the hurricanes of space," says astronomer... continued

Why a Clone is Not a Clone

January 3, 2003
A clone is not an exact replica of the person or animal being cloned, but more like an identical twin one or two generations removed. "Even in identical twins, where the DNA is identical, they are different people because of... continued

What Do You Think 2003 Will Bring?

January 3, 2003
More UFO activity?or less? A UFO event that will change the world or nothing much at all? We?re conducting an experiment in collective prophecy, so please VOTE! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any... continued

Animal Habits Changed by Global Warming

January 3, 2003
Some species of birds have been flying in the same migration patterns for hundreds of thousands of years. Some fish and butterflies follow ancient migratory paths. Now biologists are finding changes in these ancient routes and resting places, due to... continued

GM Foods Report Buried on Christmas Eve

January 1, 2003
The U.K. government denies trying to bury a report about contamination of regular crops with genetically modified crops in nearby fields by releasing it on Christmas Eve. The same tactics are being used here in the U.S. On December 26,... continued

Anne?s Diary: A New Year?s Challenge

January 1, 2003
Will 2003 be the year when we wake up and realize we need to start demanding our share of the pie? Read Anne Strieber's New Year's message and get energized?2003 is going to be a great year! NOTE: This news... continued

Tsunami of Spam

January 1, 2003
The holiday season has increased spam traffic by 20%, bringing a tsunami of spam to your computer. "What's the cost of sending an e-mail? It's almost free. So [spam] is a way of getting your message out at a low... continued