What to Do if Christmas is the Holiday From Hell

December 24, 2002
Everyone's wishing you a Merry Christmas, but is Christmas the holiday you wish you could avoid? Do you always fight with your relatives and have to cope with whining, disappointed kids? You need help from a psychiatrist like Graham Lucas,... continued

Was There Really a Christmas Star?

December 24, 2002
Was the Star of Bethlehem described in the Bible real? Using new knowledge about old astrological beliefs as well as computer planetary tables, astronomers have speculated that it could have been a group of planets, a meteor or comet, or... continued

Anne’s Diary–A Christmas Wish

December 23, 2002
Anne Strieber has a special wish for Christmas. Click here to see if you think it will come true. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

Static Electricity Can Be Hazardous

December 23, 2002
We think of static electricity as a minor annoyance, but it can lead to major fires. At a gas station, a spark of static electricity can start a fire that engulfs you in flames. There have been at least 130... continued

Two Human Clones Coming

December 23, 2002
Italian gynecologist Severino Antinori has announced that that he has successfully impregnated three women with clones and the first one?a boy?will be born in Serbia in January. The Raelians UFO group also claims to have created the first clone and... continued

Cities Fight Federal Snooping

December 23, 2002
Cities across the country are passing resolutions to counteract new Federal snooping legislation. Oakland, California, is now the 20th city to pass a resolution barring employees, including librarians and policemen, from collaborating with federal officials who try to use their... continued

The Broadcast Failed?But Not Our Computer!

December 22, 2002
A half hour into our Dec. 21 Dreamland broadcast with Linda Howe and Sarv Bluestone, the ISDN line failed, and Premiere had to play a tape of an earlier show. But our computer kept on, and we recorded the whole... continued

How Amazing Memories are Made

December 20, 2002
In pre-literate times, civilizations kept records of their legends and knowledge orally?without ever writing themdown. Yet the same words were passed from one generation to another with an accuracy that seems impossible to us today. Did our early ancestors have... continued

Ancient Frozen Bacteria Thawed

December 20, 2002
Scientists are investigating Lake Vida, a 3-mile-long saltwater lake in Antarctica topped with ice that's been frozen for 2,800 years. They're especially interested in the microbes in the lake, which are in liquid water under 62 feet of ice, and... continued

You Can’t Tell Race by How You Look

December 20, 2002
A new study shows that physical characteristics such as skin or hair color don't necessarily reveal a person's race. People who appear white may genetically be mainly African, while people who look black may genetically be European or Amerindian. "There... continued