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How Amazing Memories are Made
December 20, 2002In pre-literate times, civilizations kept records of their legends and knowledge orally?without ever writing themdown. Yet the same words were passed from one generation to another with an accuracy that seems impossible to us today. Did our early ancestors have... continued
Ancient Frozen Bacteria Thawed
December 20, 2002Scientists are investigating Lake Vida, a 3-mile-long saltwater lake in Antarctica topped with ice that's been frozen for 2,800 years. They're especially interested in the microbes in the lake, which are in liquid water under 62 feet of ice, and... continued
Coming Soon: Liposuction in a Pill
December 19, 2002Scientists are working on a drug that may be used for chemical liposuction. It's a natural enzyme that breaks down collagen in cells. Right now, it's being used to shrink cancer tumors but researcher Tom Wegman says, "There's no reason... continued
Men Feel Less Pain
December 19, 2002We assume men become boxers, firefighters, soldiers, etc. because of their superior strength. But it may also be because males are better at tolerating pain than females. It turns out there are major differences in how the sexes perceive pain.... continued
Ebola Carried by Birds
December 19, 2002The dreaded killer disease Ebola passes easily from person to person, but no one knows where it starts. Ebola was discovered in 1976 and infects humans and monkeys. It's caused hundreds of deaths in central Africa, and is fatal 50... continued
Do Last-Minute Shopping Here!
December 19, 2002Got any urgent last-minute gifting to do? The Unknowncountry.com store offers e-mail gift certificates! It's easy to send one, too. Just click here, then click on "Gift Certificates" in the shopping cart on the right-hand side of the page. Gift... continued
What Do You Think About Implants?
December 17, 2002Our new poll asks if you think implants are placed in people by aliens or by the government?or if they?re something natural, a fantasy or a hoax. Be sure to vote. We?ll discuss the results on Dreamland December 28, with... continued
A 19-Year-Old Looks at Life
December 17, 2002A 19-year-old girl who wishes to remain anonymous has constructed a picture essay?with captions?that says a lot about life in the United States. Don?t miss it! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links... continued
Cannibals Still Around
December 17, 2002Cannibalism may seem like a thing of the past, but it's still going on. In Germany, an apparently respectable middle class software designer ate a microchip engineer. The police caught him after he tried to find a new victim on... continued
We’re Controlled While We Shop
December 17, 2002Since most of us are doing our Christmas shopping this week, we should know that stores are subtly influencing our purchases. In a store called Once Famous, researchers study customers from behind one-way mirrors?but they?re not looking for shoplifters. While... continued