What Makes Music Unforgettable?

December 17, 2002
What makes a song stick in your head, and why does a wrongly played note sound so awful? New research shows the brain has specific structures that are designed to perceive and remember musical patterns. This area of the brain... continued

What Do You Think About Implants?

December 17, 2002
Our new poll asks if you think implants are placed in people by aliens or by the government?or if they?re something natural, a fantasy or a hoax. Be sure to vote. We?ll discuss the results on Dreamland December 28, with... continued

A 19-Year-Old Looks at Life

December 17, 2002
A 19-year-old girl who wishes to remain anonymous has constructed a picture essay?with captions?that says a lot about life in the United States. Don?t miss it! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links... continued

Pigs Stalk the Countryside

December 15, 2002
For years, residents in parts of England have cowered behind their doors at night, because Big Cats stalk the countryside. Now it's pigs in New Jersey. For weeks, residents there have seen a mysterious 600 pound pig walking the streets.... continued

More Storms Ahead

December 15, 2002
The ice and snow storms that shut down parts of the U.S. may not be over yet?there may be more to come, due to an El Nino in the Pacific Ocean. "El Nino is one of the driving forces behind... continued

Smallpox Vaccine Can be Deadly

December 15, 2002
Smallpox is the worst disease known to man?it killed half a billion people from 1880 to 1980, before it was finally eradicated in 1980. But the smallpox vaccine can be deadly too, and that's the problem we face today. Scientists... continued

Pollution Damage Passed on to Kids

December 13, 2002
Air pollution can cause genetic damage that is passed on by fathers to their children. Tests on mice show that those who breathed air near a smoke-belching steel mill had fewer babies and the ones they did have had more... continued

Will “Taken” Change Anybody’s Mind?

December 13, 2002
In this week's poll, we asked you if you thought the Sci Fi series "Taken" will make more people believe close encounters are real. Most of you are hopeful?52% voted "Yes." However, almost as many of you (40%) think the... continued

Earth Getting Fatter?and Mussels Know Why

December 13, 2002
Not only is there a wave of obesity in the well-fed Western world, but the Earth itself is getting fatter around the middle, caused by global warming. An increase in glacier melting at the poles, along with shifts in ocean... continued

Want a Gun? No Problem

December 13, 2002
While people may differ on whether or not individuals should have access to guns, no one wants convicted criminals to have them. However, since the creation of the National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS), administered by the FBI to screen... continued