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Rat Heads Transplanted to Thighs
December 4, 2002It sounds like a scene out of a horror movie, but it's really happening: baby rats are being decapitated and their heads are grafted onto the thighs of adult rats by Japanese scientists. The transplanted brains develop normally for at... continued
Bike Riding Means No Babies
December 4, 2002Bike riding over rough terrain may result in fewer Daddies. It can reduce male fertility due to the jolts and vibration, which may cause small scars within the scrotum and impaired sperm production. These abnormalities were found in professional mountain... continued
Mystery Race Here Before Indians
December 4, 2002New radiocarbon testing on 27 skulls that were found in Mexico 100 years ago shows some of them are almost 13,000 years old, the oldest found so far in the Americas. Domestic tools 14,500 years old have been discovered in... continued
Do Cellphones Cause Auto Accidents?
December 3, 2002New fuel has been added to the long-burning question about whether cellphone use causes car accidents. Harvard researchers have researched government figures for auto accidents, and report that drivers talking on their cellphones are responsible for about 6% of U.S.... continued
Hate Your Face? Get a Transplant!
December 3, 2002Surgical techniques already exist that would allow doctors to transplant faces from one person to another, but no one has yet dared to do it. At first, this would be done for patients whose faces have been disfigured by cancer,... continued
Ranch Where Strange Things Happen
December 3, 2002There's a strange 480 acre ranch in Utah, purchased in 1996 by the National Institute for Discovery Science, where hundreds of witnesses have seen UFOs, balls of light, animal mutilations, poltergeist events and Bigfoot-like creatures since the 1950s. This is... continued
Contrail Chased by Fighter Jets
December 2, 2002The U.S. North American Aerospace Defense Command scrambled fighter jets last week in an attempt to identify a contrail that was first seen near the Turks and Caicos Islands and later over the Midwestern United States. Reports on the contrail... continued
U.K. Releases Famous UFO Document
December 2, 2002Over 20 years ago, U.S. airmen reported seeing a "strange glowing object" near a British air base in the early morning of December 27, 1980. The detailed report is now being released as part of a U.K. declassification program. Before... continued
Results of our UFO Poll
December 2, 2002The results of last week's poll, where we asked you to tell us about your UFO experiences, are intriguing. Most of you?61%--haven't had a close encounter, yet you're still interested in the subject of UFOs. This is hopeful, since it... continued
U.S. Suppressing Evidence in Autism Cases
December 2, 2002The alarming rise in the rate of childhood autism in the West has scientists and governments scrambling for answers. Many parents and researchers believe that much of this autism was caused by the mercury preservative thimerosal, which was until recently... continued