First Online Dreamland Available Now

November 22, 2002
Dreamland Online is on the air--the internet air, that is. This week, the broadcast Dreamland was on tape, and the NEW show is online for the first time. It's available for your listening pleasure right now by clicking "Listen Now"... continued

Junk Food Makes You Smarter

November 22, 2002
Junk food makes you smarter, at least in the short term. A study by University of Florida shows that when schools offer high-calorie lunches on days when students take standardized tests, the students do better than they do when they... continued

Coffee Can Be Healthy

November 21, 2002
The buzz from you get from coffee may not be caused by caffeine after all, meaning decaf may raise your blood pressure just as much as the regular brew. Also, coffee has been shown to help diabetes and little old... continued

Date Drug Good for Parkinsons

November 21, 2002
Researchers have discovered that Ecstasy is an excellent treatment for Parkinson's disease, despite the fact that in the past, the drug was condemned for causing it. New animal studies show Ecstasy can dramatically reduce Parkinson?s uncontrollable arm and leg movements.... continued

GM Medfood Contaminates Crops

November 21, 2002
The U.S. government has announced two accidents in which soybean crops in Iowa and Nebraska were contaminated by corn from the previous year that was genetically-engineered to contain medicine. "This is a failure at an elementary level," says Jane Rissler... continued

Too Much MSG Can Cause Blindness

November 20, 2002
Eating too much monosodium glutamate, which is used in many Chinese foods and processed foods, could make you go blind. Researchers at Hirosaki University in Japan found that rats fed on diets high in MSG have vision loss and thinner... continued

Bigfoot Sighted in Canada

November 20, 2002
Three people in the same family have seen strange creatures in Vancouver and one of them heard a strange howling in the forest. Arnold Frank and his nephew Patrick Frank saw bigfoot twice. The first time, they heard a crashing... continued

UFO on TV News in Malaysia

November 20, 2002
Peter Levenda, author of the popular book "Unholy Alliance," reports from the far east: "In a strange broadcast this evening (Tuesday-Wednesday) on 'Nightline' on Malaysian television station TV3, there were confirmed reports of a UFO?actually one in a series of... continued

UFO Seen by Multiple Witnesses in Turkey

November 18, 2002
According to a Turkish UFO site, on November 1st, airline pilots in several different planes, as well as witnesses on the ground, saw a bright light they first thought was another plane--then realized was a UFO--when it broke up into... continued

Hate Christmas Cards?

November 18, 2002
Do you hate Christmas cards?because they're either too sentimental or too dull? Send crop circle postcards this season instead! The beautiful, full color photos on these cards will remind your friends that there?s a miracle going on in the fields... continued