UFO Seen by Multiple Witnesses in Turkey

November 18, 2002
According to a Turkish UFO site, on November 1st, airline pilots in several different planes, as well as witnesses on the ground, saw a bright light they first thought was another plane--then realized was a UFO--when it broke up into... continued

Hate Christmas Cards?

November 18, 2002
Do you hate Christmas cards?because they're either too sentimental or too dull? Send crop circle postcards this season instead! The beautiful, full color photos on these cards will remind your friends that there?s a miracle going on in the fields... continued

Why Dreamland Can Never Be Killed

November 18, 2002
In his new Journal entry, Whitley writes: ?Art called me about a month ago to tell me that Premiere was using the occasion of his retirement to cancel Dreamland. This did not surprise me?There are more than a few reasons... continued

What Are ETs Telling Us?

November 18, 2002
Our new poll asks: "The visitors have many messages. Which ONE of these do you feel is most important? 1. We must respect the earth. 2. We have lost touch with our true past. 3. We are soul blind." We... continued

Drastic Changes in our Future

November 18, 2002
If the climate keeps changing at the current rate, there will be drastic changes by the year 2080. "We're talking of about the submergence of islands, submergence of Shanghai, the submergence of Bombay, the submergence of New York City," says... continued

Aliens May Be Here Now

November 18, 2002
Aliens may be living here right now, but we can't see them. Some of the scientists on a panel that met at George Washington University came to this conclusion after looking at the evidence, from eyewitness reports and photographs to... continued

Bin-Laden Hiding in Yemen

November 18, 2002
We now not only know that Osama bin-Laden is alive?we know where he is. British special forces say he fled Afghanistan last year and is being protected by tribesmen in his ancestral homeland in Yemen. He's living in the tribal... continued

Sunken Forest Off Florida

November 15, 2002
Marine archaeologist Corey Malcom has found pine cones, tree branches and charred limbs off Key West that are about 8,400 years old. This is especially important because previous estimates suggested that sea levels had risen far less than this in... continued

Proof of Parallel Universe

November 15, 2002
Two Australian scientists say they've found evidence of a parallel universe within our own Solar System. When the Near-Shoemaker space probe landed on the Eros asteroid, scientists could see craters where it had been hit by "mirror matter." Mirror matter... continued

Government Agenda on Evil Aliens?

November 15, 2002
In our latest poll, we asked you, "Do you think there's a government agenda to make the public think the visitors are evil?" Your answers surprised us?49% of you said "Yes!" Half as many of you?24%?said "No" and another half... continued