Crystal Skull in Texas

November 8, 2002
Since the 1970s, a rare crystal skull has been in Houston, Texas. People from all over the world come there to see it, touch it and just be near it. "The crystal skull contains important information about the purpose of... continued

Are the Visitors Dangerous?

November 8, 2002
Are the Visitors--sometimes called ETs or extraterrestrials--dangerous to human beings? We asked you to vote and here's what you think: 24% think they're very beneficial and 19% of you think they're somewhat beneficial. 10% think they're very dangerous and 9%... continued

Killer Flu Coming

November 7, 2002
Experts say we need to plan for a flu outbreak that could claim hundreds of thousands of lives. Although the last two winters have brought only mild strains of flu, the viruses are constantly mutating and it's only a matter... continued

Half of All Plants Could Die

November 7, 2002
Almost half of all plant species are facing extinction. Earlier, the World Conservation Union thought only one in eight plant species would disappear, but now it looks like we'll lose half of them, and some researchers think we?ll lose even... continued

Find God in a Magnet

November 7, 2002
Scientists have done experiments to make people believe they?ve felt the presence of God by exposing them to a specific series of pulses from TMS magnetism. The subjects described feeling an invisible presence near them or feeling connected to the... continued

Why Girls Aren’t Geeks

November 7, 2002
There may be more male geeks than women because women don't have the genetic programming for "geekiness." Women are programmed to be more adept in social situations because genes on the female X chromosome seem to give them better social... continued

Longtime Dream: Cancer Vaccine

November 6, 2002
Scientists are close to developing an effective vaccine against cancer that will starve tumors to death. When they've tried to kill tumors before, the cancer has mutated and become resistant to the treatment. This new vaccine will target the blood... continued

Five Countries Have Smallpox

November 6, 2002
The CIA says 5 countries?the U.S., Iraq, North Korea, Russia and France?have smallpox. Smallpox cultures are held officially in two heavily guarded laboratories, one in Atlanta and the other in Koltsovo, Siberia?all the others are unofficial. Everyone knew that Russia,... continued

Gayness Genetic

November 6, 2002
A study of gay sheep shows that homosexuality is probably genetic. Rams that prefer male sexual partners have distinct differences in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This region is usually twice as large in rams as in... continued

Vegetarian Fish?

November 6, 2002
British scientists are trying to turn fish into vegetarians, in order to save the dwindling stocks of fish around the world. Fish farming looked like the answer at first, but salmon, trout, haddock and cod in fish farms are fed... continued