Motherhood Makes You Smarter

November 11, 2002
Motherhood may make women smarter and help prevent Alzheimer's by bathing the brain in protective hormones. Tests on rats show that the ones who raise two or more litters of pups do better in tests of memory and skills than... continued

Schizophrenia Blamed on Spine

November 11, 2002
Schizophrenia could be the result of differences in the structure of the spine. Past theories about the disease speculate that it's caused by abnormal brain chemistry or defects in the development of brain pathways. Now researchers have discovered that the... continued

Serious Claims that Osama is Alive

November 11, 2002
Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden is alive and planning more terrorist attacks around the world, according to Richard Nobel, the head of Interpol. He says, ''Intelligence experts all agree that right now al-Qaeda is preparing a high-profile terrorist operation, with... continued

Secret Agenda re Evil Aliens?

November 11, 2002
Is there a secret government agenda to make the public think the visitors are evil? What do you think? To vote in our new poll,click here. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links... continued

Indians Unhealthy Before Columbus

November 8, 2002
The health of Native Americans was in trouble long before Columbus came. Archeologists think the rise of agriculture is the reason, because farming encouraged people to settle in larger communities, where disease was more easily spread. Researcher Richard Steckel analyzed... continued

Crystal Skull in Texas

November 8, 2002
Since the 1970s, a rare crystal skull has been in Houston, Texas. People from all over the world come there to see it, touch it and just be near it. "The crystal skull contains important information about the purpose of... continued

Are the Visitors Dangerous?

November 8, 2002
Are the Visitors--sometimes called ETs or extraterrestrials--dangerous to human beings? We asked you to vote and here's what you think: 24% think they're very beneficial and 19% of you think they're somewhat beneficial. 10% think they're very dangerous and 9%... continued

Killer Flu Coming

November 7, 2002
Experts say we need to plan for a flu outbreak that could claim hundreds of thousands of lives. Although the last two winters have brought only mild strains of flu, the viruses are constantly mutating and it's only a matter... continued

Half of All Plants Could Die

November 7, 2002
Almost half of all plant species are facing extinction. Earlier, the World Conservation Union thought only one in eight plant species would disappear, but now it looks like we'll lose half of them, and some researchers think we?ll lose even... continued

Find God in a Magnet

November 7, 2002
Scientists have done experiments to make people believe they?ve felt the presence of God by exposing them to a specific series of pulses from TMS magnetism. The subjects described feeling an invisible presence near them or feeling connected to the... continued