Killer Flu Coming

November 7, 2002
Experts say we need to plan for a flu outbreak that could claim hundreds of thousands of lives. Although the last two winters have brought only mild strains of flu, the viruses are constantly mutating and it's only a matter... continued

Vegetarian Fish?

November 6, 2002
British scientists are trying to turn fish into vegetarians, in order to save the dwindling stocks of fish around the world. Fish farming looked like the answer at first, but salmon, trout, haddock and cod in fish farms are fed... continued

Longtime Dream: Cancer Vaccine

November 6, 2002
Scientists are close to developing an effective vaccine against cancer that will starve tumors to death. When they've tried to kill tumors before, the cancer has mutated and become resistant to the treatment. This new vaccine will target the blood... continued

Five Countries Have Smallpox

November 6, 2002
The CIA says 5 countries?the U.S., Iraq, North Korea, Russia and France?have smallpox. Smallpox cultures are held officially in two heavily guarded laboratories, one in Atlanta and the other in Koltsovo, Siberia?all the others are unofficial. Everyone knew that Russia,... continued

Gayness Genetic

November 6, 2002
A study of gay sheep shows that homosexuality is probably genetic. Rams that prefer male sexual partners have distinct differences in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This region is usually twice as large in rams as in... continued

Vote in Our New Poll!

November 5, 2002
We have a new poll up this week about the Visitors, asking if you think they're beneficial, dangerous (or you just don't know). If they're going to make their presence known in 2003, as Whitley and others think may be... continued

Ancient Buddhist Science

November 5, 2002
Tibetan Buddhist practices have often been shown to work, once science has developed the technology to test them. Thong Len, a meditative technique developed almost 800 years before the discovery of anesthesia, works by imagining someone else's pain, and drawing... continued

Is Airplane Water Safe to Drink?

November 5, 2002
Most of us drink bottled water or sodas when we fly, but sometimes we use water from the airplane lavatory to take a pill or brush our teeth. Airlines insist this water is safe, but recent studies found dangerous things... continued

Recent Quakes Not Related

November 5, 2002
A string of earthquakes from Italy to Pakistan has killed 48 people recently, but seismologists say they are unconnected. 26 children died in southern Italy when their school collapsed, and there have been major quakes in Indonesia, Pakistan, the U.S.... continued

Hum Study Getting Started

November 4, 2002
Kokomo, Indiana city officials have hired a Massachusetts acoustics consulting firm to study the mysterious hum that has caused sleeping and health problems for dozens of residents. The Board of Public Works and Safety hired Acentech for $80,750 to try... continued