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Why Kyoto Won’t Work
October 29, 2002According to new research, the Kyoto Protocol to halt climate change, which the U.S. refuses to sign, won't work because it's based on a scientific fallacy. The protocol allows countries to meet their targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions over... continued
UFO Caught on Video
October 29, 2002Fox News in New York aired video of a UFO that was accidentally taped by a camcorder near Albany Airport. The cameraman thought it was hundreds of feet long, and it appeared to be very slender, needle-shaped, with missile-like fins... continued
Russia Mystery Gas Probably Treaty Violation
October 29, 2002Human rights group Amnesty International wants to know the contents of the gas used to end the Moscow theatre siege. Dr. Andrei Seltsovsky describes it as a general anaesthetic. He hasn't named it, and referred to it in a press... continued
What Do You Think About the Visitors?
October 28, 2002Now's your chance to join our poll and let us know who or what you think the Visitors are. Don't miss your chance to vote!click here. To find out the results of a nationwide Roper poll concerning UFOs and ETs,... continued
Actors Cast for Superstorm Film
October 28, 2002"The Coming Global Superstorm" book, by Art Bell & Whitley Strieber, is being directed by Roland Emmerich ("The Patriot," "Independence Day") as "The Day After Tomorrow." Dennis Quaid will star as a scientist researching sudden climate change. Emmy-award winning actress... continued
Anthrax Caught from Imported Rug
October 28, 2002An Arizona man caught anthrax from a wool rug imported from Turkey, according to the Department of Health Services. This is cutaneous anthrax, the kind that causes skin lesions, and it?s easily cured with antibiotics. It's the powdered kind that's... continued
What’s Different About a Killer’s Brain
October 28, 2002Now that the D.C. area sniper has finally been caught, people are dismayed at how "ordinary" he seems. Yet we can't imagine ourselves doing something like that, so is there anything basically different about the brains of serial killers? Some... continued
Sniffer Dogs Identify Anthrax Terrorist
October 28, 2002Sniffer dogs trained to find anthrax and leads from FBI agents in Africa point to former government scientist Steven Hatfill as a possible suspect in the five anthrax deaths. Three bloodhounds from California were given the scent from the anthrax... continued
Suspicions About Wellstone Crash
October 28, 2002Shortly after the announcement about the plane crash that killed Senator Paul Wellstone, speculation began that his death wasn't an accident. Wellstone was opposed to many of the Bush government policies, including war with Iraq. Although national media reported that... continued
Will 2003 Be the Year of the Alien?
October 26, 2002In his new Journal, Whitley writes, ?2003 could bring some dramatic changes in the way we perceive the UFO phenomenon?Bill Clinton's former Chief of Staff John Podesta has called on the Pentagon to release classified UFO information. Steven Spielberg has... continued