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Will 2003 Be the Year of the Alien?
October 26, 2002In his new Journal, Whitley writes, ?2003 could bring some dramatic changes in the way we perceive the UFO phenomenon?Bill Clinton's former Chief of Staff John Podesta has called on the Pentagon to release classified UFO information. Steven Spielberg has... continued
Results of Our First Poll!
October 25, 2002On Monday, October 21, we asked "Do you think we should go to war with Iraq?" The possible answers were: "Yes, even if we don't have UN support," "Yes, but only with UN support," and "No." These are the results:... continued
Brain on a Chip
October 25, 2002Scientist have found a way to keep slices of living brain tissue alive for weeks and use them to test drugs for neurological and psychiatric disorders. This sounds like something out of an old science fiction movie, where a decapitated... continued
Autism Epidemic in California
October 25, 2002An epidemic of autism cases has swept through California in the last 15 years. The number of people with autism being served by the California Department of Developmental Services increased by 273% from 1987 to 1998, and is still growing... continued
UFO Coverup Makes Us Distrust U.S.
October 25, 2002A new national opinion poll finds that 72% of Americans believe the government is not telling us everything it knows about UFOs. The poll reveals that more men than women think information about UFOs and ETs (66-63% vs. 54%) should... continued
Are UFO Files Hidden in Russia?
October 25, 2002It's long been known that UFOs were studied for many years by the Russian Academy of Sciences and other Soviet institutions. During the past few years, lots of allegedly classified Russian documents have appeared on the Internet, but experts says... continued
Another Underwater City in India
October 24, 2002For centuries, local fishermen on the coast of Mahabalipuram in India have believed that a great flood consumed a city over 10,000 years ago in a single day. This story was recorded n by British explorer J. Goldingham, who visited... continued
Special Sale on Wm. Henry Books
October 24, 2002One of our most popular radio guests?and our bookstore?s best selling author?William Henry, will be on Dreamland this Saturday, October 26, to talk about his brand new book ?Cloak of the Illuminati.? In honor of his appearance, we?ve slashed the... continued
Our Universe Will Collapse From Old Age
October 24, 2002Scientists have assumed our universe is young, but now they're saying it's middle aged and will stop expanding and start collapsing fairly soon. Of course, "soon" in astronomical terms means billions of years in the future. Right now, a mysterious... continued
Chinese Discovered America
October 24, 2002Retired British submarine commander Garvin Menzies plans to follow the same route as Admiral Zheng He, a Chinese Muslim eunuch who discovered America more than 70 years before Columbus. Most historians believe Columbus discovered the New World first, in 1492,... continued