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WHY is the baby crying?
October 21, 2002Scientists may have come up with the answer to the question every parent wants answered: why is their baby crying? You've fed him, changed him, taken his temperature?nothing works. If only he could tell you what's wrong. Now a device... continued
Airports Give Kids Reading Problems
October 21, 2002The noise from airports impairs children's reading ability and long-term memory, but at least some the effects are reversible. Scientists monitored reading, memory, attention and speech perception in schoolchildren before and after the opening of the new international airport nearby.... continued
Insight: We’re Walking a Tightrope
October 19, 2002Richard Dolan, author of "UFOs and the National Security State," click here writes: "We walk as a civilization over a tightrope, high above a rocky ravine. Falling is a real possibility within the next twenty years. If not, a wild... continued
Run Your Life on Garbage and Air
October 18, 2002Oil companies can wave goodbye to their profits: Researchers in the U.K. have built a battery that runs on garbage that can provide electricity for your home. And in France, they've developed a car that runs on air. Right now,... continued
Teen Brains in Chaos
October 18, 2002Scientists say that adolescent brains are changing so rapidly that they find it hard to process basic information, which leads to emotional and social problems. Their ability to recognize other people's emotional states is significantly reduced starting at age 11... continued
Massive Black Hole at Center of Galaxy
October 18, 2002A supermassive black hole is at the center of our Milky Way galaxy that has a mass 3.7 million times that of the Sun. Like all black holes, it has a strong gravitational attraction that sucks in all matter that... continued
Israelis Say Bin Laden is Dead
October 18, 2002Israeli intelligence has discovered that Osama Bin Laden is dead but his heir has been chosen and the terrorist campaign against the U.S. will continue. The new head of al-Qaeda hasn?t been identified, but it's probably not Bin Laden's son... continued
Whitley in California
October 17, 2002Whitley Strieber is in California right now, touring for his new novel "Lilith's Dream." If you're in California, Whitley would love to meet you, so show up at one of his destinations and get your book signed. He?ll also be... continued
Diet Ads Tell Total Lies
October 17, 2002Nearly 40% of weight-loss advertisements make at least one statement that is totally false, and about 55% of them include at least one statement that can't be backed up by research, according to an FTC report, which says that consumer... continued
Not Looking Really Helps
October 17, 2002Does an injection hurt less if we don?t look while we're getting it? New research from the U.K. says it does. Marisa Taylor-Clarke poked volunteers' forearms with a two-pronged device and asked them if they could tell whether they had... continued