Water on Other Planets May Mean ETs

October 14, 2002
Signs of water have been found in the atmospheres of planets orbiting distant stars, which may mean our galaxy is teeming with life. Astronomers looked for water near 17 stars, all of which are thought to have planetary systems orbiting... continued

Will We Ever Learn About Cuban Underwater City?

October 14, 2002
One reason we're not getting more information about what looks like a Cuban underwater city is that for Paul Weinzweig and his wife Paulina Zelitsky of Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), exploring it is only a sideline?the company has been hired... continued

Land Changes Worse Than Greenhouse Gases

October 14, 2002
The way humans alter the Earth's surface may be a major cause of climate change. NASA scientists say the way land is used is probably just as important as greenhouse gas emissions, and changes in the surface of the land... continued

UFO Images from Malaysia

October 14, 2002
Images of a UFO were captured by a surveillance camera mounted on top of the Kota Kinabalu International Airport terminal in Mayaysia last week. The craft has been described as looking like a "flying coffin." The security officers monitoring the... continued

Just Ignore It

October 11, 2002
Israeli researchers think that ignoring trauma may be healthier than pouring out your heart to a psychiatrist (and they have a lot of stress over there, so they should know). "The findings of this study suggest that a repressive coping... continued

Snakes Can Kill You in Surprising Ways

October 11, 2002
A pet snake may have caused the death of a woman who died after receiving a tainted blood transfusion. Salmonella bacteria from the snake may have contaminated the blood given by the blood donor. Another woman became ill following a... continued

Mosquitoes Carry Malaria, as Well as West Nile

October 11, 2002
Malaria-carrying mosquitoes have been found in Maryland, near the area where two teenagers became ill with the disease this past summer. "Having two cases of domestically transmitted malaria, and finding two pools of positive mosquitoes, hasn't happened for decades in... continued

U.S. May Fight Iraq With Bioweapons

October 11, 2002
As our military is getting ready to face an assault by chemical and biological weapons from Iraq, newly declassified Pentagon reports reveal that the United States secretly tested similar chemical and biological weapons on American soil during the 1960s. The... continued

Miracle Medicines From the Rainforest

October 10, 2002
People who scoff at ecologists as "tree huggers" don't realize that most of our modern live-saving medicines come from indigenous people living in the rainforests of the world?which are rapidly being destroyed. Scientists in Venezuela have started a major project... continued

Secret Sounds

October 10, 2002
There are sound waves so low in frequency that we humans can't hear them, but they may be the secret behind both animal communication and haunted houses. Human ears detect sounds in the frequency range of 20 to 20,000 Hertz... continued