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Vampires Living in London
October 7, 2002Meetings of the London Vampire Group are held in the Ben Crouch Tavern in central London. Member Heidi Taylor says she was born with "natural fangs. I was always strange as a kid, I didn't fit in and I don't... continued
Miracle Birth
October 7, 2002A scientific miracle has occurred: a mule has given birth to a male foal in Morocco. Mules, which are hybrids created by mating a horse and a donkey, are sterile and cannot reproduce. There are only two other cases where... continued
Silly Science Awards
October 7, 2002The British are giving out a special version of the Nobel prize, called the IgNobel, for silly scientific research. Among the recent IgNobel winners are a scientist who researched belly button lint. Another award was given to scientists who showed... continued
Half of Violent Deaths are Suicides
October 7, 20021.6 million people a year die violent deaths every year around the world, and half of these are suicides, according to the World Health Organization. One third of the violent deaths are homicides and 20% are victims of war. Violence... continued
Questions Continue in Pennsylvania Death
October 7, 2002Whitley Strieber received a call from Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center, strongly objecting to the notion that the strange case of a possible murder by UFO in Pennsylvania should be confirmed as a hoax. Mr. Davenport... continued
UFO Murder Case Possible Hoax
October 6, 2002On September 13, Uknowncountry.com reported a case of a possible murder by UFO, as recorded by the National UFO Reporting Center. Dreamland science reporter Linda Moulton Howe began an immediate investigation, and two Unknowncountry readers from the local area offered... continued
It’s Official: World’s Funniest Joke
October 4, 2002A year-long internet search for the world?s funniest joke brought in 2 million votes on 40,000 entries, and finally been narrowed down to one. Jokes were submitted by people from over 70 countries. The LaughLab experiment was started by U.K.... continued
Car Crash Danger?in the Womb
October 4, 2002One in every 100 babies in the U.S. was in a car crash before they were born. Car crashes are the leading cause of hospitalization during pregnancy, and can be dangerous for the fetus. In at least 1% of all... continued
Should You Pick Your Baby’s Personality?
October 4, 2002Scientists are worried that in fertility clinics using in-vitro (test tube) fertilizations, parents will be able to select embryos for IQ or personality traits. Now embryos are selected according to which ones are healthiest and free of genetic disease. Future... continued
Whitley on Coast Tonight
October 4, 2002Whitley Strieber will be on Coast to Coast am with Art Bell on Wednesday, October 9. Whitley's exciting new novel "Lilith's Dream" is now in bookstores everywhere! Publisher's Weekly has said, "Strieber remains a superb prose stylist, with a coherent... continued