Don’t Believe Media Crop Circle Debunking

October 2, 2002
Journalist Leslie Kean quotes astrophysicist Bernard Haisch in the Providence (RI) Journal that, "To look at the evidence and go away unconvinced is one thing. To not look at the evidence and be convinced against it nonetheless is another. That... continued

Art Bell Tut Reincarnation?

October 2, 2002
Scientists and special effects artists in the UK and in New Zealand have used the same digital techniques used in criminal investigations to reconstruct what the young pharaoh known as King Tut looked like. A fiberglass bust of King Tut... continued

Fish Can Make You Infertile

October 2, 2002
High levels of mercury in the blood, caused by eating lots of seafood, can cause male infertility. Researchers gave blood tests to 150 infertile couples who were having in-vitro fertilization and 26 fertile couples to find out how much mercury... continued

Don’t Breathe, Baby

October 2, 2002
A two-week-old baby in Los Angeles has already been exposed to more toxic air pollution than the U.S. government says is an acceptable cancer risk over a lifetime. A study of California air pollution by the National Environmental Trust says... continued

West Nile Found in Mom’s Milk

October 2, 2002
Scientists have found West Nile virus in the breast milk of a new mother who has the infection, although her baby shows no symptoms of the disease. Researchers don't know if the mother can pass the virus to her baby... continued

Hauntings Here and Abroad

October 1, 2002
Near Joplin, Missouri, there's a mysterious Spook Light that dates back to 1886 and has been described as a bobbing and weaving ball of light, about the size of a basketball. It sometimes splits and divides, and may be white,... continued

Anne’s Diary: They’re Still Heroes

October 1, 2002
At least 6 eyewitnesses saw a military-style jet in the vicinity of Flight 93 on the morning of September 11, just before it crashed into the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. But the U.S. government denies it sent a jet to... continued

Possible ET Habitats

October 1, 2002
Data from the Galileo space probe suggests there's an ocean on Jupiter's moon Europa, which is Earth-like and could harbor life. The moon's icy crust is relatively thin, with cracks and vents, which would allow gases, heat and organic matter... continued

Too Many Saddams

October 1, 2002
The German TV network ZDF has made a scientific study of 450 photographs of Saddam Hussein and they think he has at least three doubles. Working with a coroner, they looked at photographs and film clips of Saddam and used... continued

Why Some HIV People Stay Healthy

September 30, 2002
Three blood proteins known as "CAF" have been identified that allow some HIV-infected patients to stay healthy for more than a decade. For almost 20 years, researchers have been trying to figure out why some people with HIV do not... continued