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Should You Pick Your Baby’s Personality?
October 4, 2002Scientists are worried that in fertility clinics using in-vitro (test tube) fertilizations, parents will be able to select embryos for IQ or personality traits. Now embryos are selected according to which ones are healthiest and free of genetic disease. Future... continued
Whitley on Coast Tonight
October 4, 2002Whitley Strieber will be on Coast to Coast am with Art Bell on Wednesday, October 9. Whitley's exciting new novel "Lilith's Dream" is now in bookstores everywhere! Publisher's Weekly has said, "Strieber remains a superb prose stylist, with a coherent... continued
It’s Official: Housework is Depressing
October 3, 2002This is news? Apparently scientists think so, because they?ve announced that housework causes people (mostly women) to become clinically depressed. This is in contrast to other forms of exercise, which have been shown to improve people's emotional states. Professor Nanette... continued
Search for the Fabled Vulcanoids
October 3, 2002Astronomers want to find all the asteroids that may be heading for an impact with Earth, so they're searching for the legendary group of asteroids called "Vulcanoids" that may be circling the sun. We can't see these asteroids, but we... continued
Now Men Hate Their Bodies Too
October 3, 2002Men are starting to develop body image disorders because they believe they don't have enough muscles. Fashion and the media, which have long caused women to hate their bodies because they're not as thin as models and movie stars, are... continued
You Can Get Along Fine with No Brain
October 3, 2002The campus doctor at the University of Sheffield in the U.K. was treating a math major, when he noticed that the student's head was a little larger than normal. He referred the student to neurology professor John Lorber, who gave... continued
Art Bell Tut Reincarnation?
October 2, 2002Scientists and special effects artists in the UK and in New Zealand have used the same digital techniques used in criminal investigations to reconstruct what the young pharaoh known as King Tut looked like. A fiberglass bust of King Tut... continued
Fish Can Make You Infertile
October 2, 2002High levels of mercury in the blood, caused by eating lots of seafood, can cause male infertility. Researchers gave blood tests to 150 infertile couples who were having in-vitro fertilization and 26 fertile couples to find out how much mercury... continued
Don’t Breathe, Baby
October 2, 2002A two-week-old baby in Los Angeles has already been exposed to more toxic air pollution than the U.S. government says is an acceptable cancer risk over a lifetime. A study of California air pollution by the National Environmental Trust says... continued
West Nile Found in Mom’s Milk
October 2, 2002Scientists have found West Nile virus in the breast milk of a new mother who has the infection, although her baby shows no symptoms of the disease. Researchers don't know if the mother can pass the virus to her baby... continued