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Anne’s Diary: They’re Still Heroes
October 1, 2002At least 6 eyewitnesses saw a military-style jet in the vicinity of Flight 93 on the morning of September 11, just before it crashed into the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. But the U.S. government denies it sent a jet to... continued
Possible ET Habitats
October 1, 2002Data from the Galileo space probe suggests there's an ocean on Jupiter's moon Europa, which is Earth-like and could harbor life. The moon's icy crust is relatively thin, with cracks and vents, which would allow gases, heat and organic matter... continued
Too Many Saddams
October 1, 2002The German TV network ZDF has made a scientific study of 450 photographs of Saddam Hussein and they think he has at least three doubles. Working with a coroner, they looked at photographs and film clips of Saddam and used... continued
Why Some HIV People Stay Healthy
September 30, 2002Three blood proteins known as "CAF" have been identified that allow some HIV-infected patients to stay healthy for more than a decade. For almost 20 years, researchers have been trying to figure out why some people with HIV do not... continued
Ice Blocks From the Sky
September 30, 2002Spanish scientist Jesus Martinez-Frias says global warming may be to blame for the mysterious giant blocks of ice which fall from cloudless skies, crushing cars and houses. When these ice blocks started appearing a decade ago, it was thought they... continued
Blondes are Dying Out
September 30, 2002A study by German scientists shows that people with blonde hair are an endangered species and will become extinct by 2202. Soon only the bottle blondes will remain, because too few people now carry the recessive gene for blonde hair.... continued
We’re Back on Live365!
September 29, 2002For everybody who's been having a problem listening to our new on-site internet radio station, we're now running our shows on Live365 as well! We will keep doing this until--and if--our onsite station is working perfectly for everybody. To go... continued
Nazi Secrets Uncovered
September 27, 2002Ukrainian workers recently found strange graves at a construction site in the Ukraine. They thought it was an ancient Scythian graveyard until someone spotted the medallion of a German soldier in one of the coffins. When archeologists arrived, they were... continued
Protecting Tall Buildings from Terrorists
September 27, 2002Since skyscrapers are a symbol of Western power for terrorists, we should figure out how to protect them from the fate of the World Trade Center. The lightweight construction that enabled the World Trade Center towers to rise so high... continued
Tough Microbes from Mars
September 27, 2002Russian scientists think a tough microbe that can withstand huge doses of radiation must have come from Mars, since it wouldn't have had time to develop this ability here on Earth. On Mars, however, the bugs could have received the... continued