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The Iceman Ate Well
September 26, 2002Scientists have discovered what the 5,300-year-old Iceman they call Oetzi ate for his last two meals, and they reveal that our Stone Age ancestors were not starving, by any means. Oetzi had venison just before his death, and had earlier... continued
Botox Relieves Migraine Misery
September 26, 2002Among the most surprising cures for migraine headaches are Botox and yogurt. At first, patients who had Botox injections for cosmetic reasons found they had fewer headaches. Two years ago, a study found that among 134 patients, Botox had a... continued
Underwater Space Mission
September 25, 2002How can astronauts practice for future missions without actually traveling in space? Veteran astronauts Scott Kelly and Rex Walheim and their team will spend 5 days 63 feet underwater off the Florida Coast near Key Largo. Wearing diving gear, they... continued
Can We Change the Weather?
September 25, 2002Scientists are trying to find ways to attack hurricanes. Nine jets are planning to fly over southern Florida, each carrying 16,000-330,000 pounds of cloud-busting powder. When sprayed into a wet cloud, this powder combines with the moisture and turns into... continued
We’re Not as Close as We Thought
September 25, 2002According to new comparisons of human and chimpanzee DNA, we are not as close to our primate cousins as we thought. Scientists have told us that we share 98.5% of our genetic material with chimps, but now it appears that... continued
Stem Cell Research OK in CA
September 25, 2002California has adopted a new law permitting scientific research on embryonic stem cells, despite rejection of the use of federal funds for the same type of research by President Bush. The Senate is still considering legislation that would ban this... continued
Internet Radio Station Update
September 25, 2002As of 9/28/02, 10PM CST: We continue to have problems with our new system. These problems will be fixed by Monday at 6PM CST. Here is a brief Q&A about Windows Media Player: I get constant buffering!? Effective Saturday, Sept.... continued
Bad Behavior Good for Parkinson’s
September 24, 2002People who smoke and drink coffee have a lower risk of Parkinson's disease. In a study by Harvard researchers, drinking coffee was associated with a 30% lower risk of Parkinson?s disease and there was a 60% lower risk of the... continued
We Warned Them, They Warned Us
September 24, 2002During the last 5 years, we warned our allies in the Middle East about several al-Qaeda plots of suicide attacks in Egypt, Israel and Turkey. "In October 1996, the intelligence community obtained information regarding an Iranian plot to hijack a... continued
Cloned Food is Coming
September 24, 2002Milk from cloned cows and meat from cloned cattle and pigs could show up on grocery shelves as early as next year. According to a recent report from the National Academy of Sciences, cloning is becoming a routine part of... continued