Stem Cell Research OK in CA

September 25, 2002
California has adopted a new law permitting scientific research on embryonic stem cells, despite rejection of the use of federal funds for the same type of research by President Bush. The Senate is still considering legislation that would ban this... continued

Internet Radio Station Update

September 25, 2002
As of 9/28/02, 10PM CST: We continue to have problems with our new system. These problems will be fixed by Monday at 6PM CST. Here is a brief Q&A about Windows Media Player: I get constant buffering!? Effective Saturday, Sept.... continued

We Warned Them, They Warned Us

September 24, 2002
During the last 5 years, we warned our allies in the Middle East about several al-Qaeda plots of suicide attacks in Egypt, Israel and Turkey. "In October 1996, the intelligence community obtained information regarding an Iranian plot to hijack a... continued

Cloned Food is Coming

September 24, 2002
Milk from cloned cows and meat from cloned cattle and pigs could show up on grocery shelves as early as next year. According to a recent report from the National Academy of Sciences, cloning is becoming a routine part of... continued

Your Dog Can Get West Nile

September 24, 2002
Pet owners are being told to make sure their dogs don?t get bitten by mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus. An 8-year-old Irish setter-golden retriever mix died of a West Nile viral infection, becoming the first canine victim in the country.... continued

New Items on Sale! (Only a Few Left)

September 24, 2002
We?re cleaning off our shelves and have added lots of new titles to the sale section of our store. Many of these books have only a couple of copies left, so don?t delay. If you?ve had your eye on a... continued

Bad Behavior Good for Parkinson’s

September 24, 2002
People who smoke and drink coffee have a lower risk of Parkinson's disease. In a study by Harvard researchers, drinking coffee was associated with a 30% lower risk of Parkinson?s disease and there was a 60% lower risk of the... continued

Kissing Cousins Can Marry

September 22, 2002
Marriage between first cousins has long been a taboo in the U.S., because of the assumption that marriage between such close relatives will produce children with birth defects. But new research shows the genetic risks of marriage between first cousins... continued

Go for the Whole Wheat

September 22, 2002
People who eat a diet high in white bread, white rice and potatoes increase their risk of pancreatic cancer, because this type of diet increases insulin levels, which have been linked to the cancer. Another reason to choose whole wheat:... continued

Mystery Object Orbiting Earth

September 22, 2002
Earth is being orbited by a mysterious object that's approximately 60 feet long and rotates once every minute. Amateur astronomer Bill Yeung, first spotted it on September 3rd and named it J002E3. There was no sign of it earlier this... continued