Mystery Object Orbiting Earth

September 22, 2002
Earth is being orbited by a mysterious object that's approximately 60 feet long and rotates once every minute. Amateur astronomer Bill Yeung, first spotted it on September 3rd and named it J002E3. There was no sign of it earlier this... continued

What’s Going on in Area 51?

September 22, 2002
The top-secret Air Force facility at Groom Lake, Nevada, known as Area 51, has been a mystery for over 40 years?and will stay that way for now, since President Bush has reissued an executive order barring the disclosure of any... continued

Audio Questions And Problems

September 21, 2002
Approximately fifty people have reported problems with our new internet radio player. Most of these problems have been due to the fact that the individual's computer is not correctly set up. Some of them have been due to the fact... continued

OBE Created by Brain Stimulation

September 20, 2002
Doctors say they caused a female patient to have out-of-body experiences by stimulating her brain. They believe this explains what happens when people who are clinically dead report experiences of leaving their body and watching it from above. They didn't... continued

War May Make Terrorism Worse

September 20, 2002
An invasion of Iraq may make terrorism worse, because we would not be able to take over control of the country immediately. In the meantime, terrorists inside Iraq would have a chance to move or sell their weapons and locate... continued

Scientists Create Antimatter

September 20, 2002
Physicists at the Cern particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland, have mass produced antimatter, which may solve one of the greatest mysteries of the Universe. Antimatter is the mirror image of ordinary matter and both should have been created in equal... continued

Evidence Homosexuality Genetic

September 20, 2002
A change in temperature is all it takes for genetically-engineered male flies to switch from being heterosexual to homosexual. The change occurs within minutes and is reversible. This discovery will help scientists figure out how the brain may be involved... continued

What’s Needed for The Wave

September 19, 2002
Now that football season is here and we're also looking forward to the World Series, scientists from the University of Budapest decided to figure out how many people are needed to produce The Wave?that undulating up-and-down motion that moves across... continued

How to Tell if Someone’s Lying

September 19, 2002
People are bad at spotting liars because they look for the wrong signals. "People are really dreadful at detecting when someone is lying," says Richard Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire in the U.K. "They think that liars avoid eye... continued

Earth Had Rings Like Saturn

September 19, 2002
The Earth may once have been surrounded by rings, like Saturn, which would have cast a shadow on parts of the planet all day long. The rings could have been formed after a glancing blow from an asteroid, when a... continued