Clones are Imperfect Copies

September 16, 2002
Cloned animals have hundreds of abnormal genes, which explains why so many of them die at or before birth, meaning it would be irresponsible to clone a human being. Despite this, there are several human cloning attempts taking place right... continued

Mars Will Be New Wild West

September 16, 2002
If privately funded excursions to Mars become common, the planet could become the new lawless frontier, as adventurers stake claims to land and minerals before official government expeditions arrive. This is bound to happen if the current trend continues. Governments... continued

Is West Nile a Terrorist Plot?

September 16, 2002
Senator Patrick Leahy thinks the West virus that has killed 54 people this year may be a terrorist weapon. "I think we have to ask ourselves: Is it coincidence that we're seeing such an increase in West Nile virus or... continued

Sylvia Browne Interview is Working!

September 16, 2002
All shows currently posted on Live365 are now working. Enjoy Whitley's great interview with Sylvia Browne! When she talks about how she enabled police to catch the California Ski Mask Rapist while he was literally in the act of committing... continued

Live365 Woes Continue

September 15, 2002
Because of continuing Live365 problems, we regret to say that the Sylvia Browne interview posted last night is not listenable. All other programming is listenable, including last week's Nancy Red Star interview. We will change to our new system as... continued

Hold On to Those Diamonds

September 13, 2002
An old song says that "Diamonds are a girl's best friend," and if you've got some big ones around, that may be true, because geologists have found evidence that the Earth is no longer producing large diamonds. The ancient Romans... continued

When Recycling is Bad

September 13, 2002
Recycling isn't always good: Sometimes it can be lethal. 70,000 tons of contaminated scrap steel from the World Trade Center were shipped to India before shipments were stopped after objections from environmentalists. The WTC scrap is contaminated with asbestos, PCBs,... continued

Major Explosion in the Air

September 13, 2002
U.S. early warning satellites detected an explosion in the Earth's atmosphere June 6, with an energy release estimated to be 12 kilotons, equivalent to the blast that destroyed Hiroshima. Observers feared that either India or Pakistan had set off a... continued

Possible Murder by UFO

September 13, 2002
On August 2nd, a witness saw a UFO above Montour Ridge in Northumberland, Pennsylvania. It hovered above some power lines and directed a beam of blue and white light to the ground. Next he saw what appeared to be a... continued

What Native Americans Know About ET

September 13, 2002
Our radio archives are working again, and in case you missed our Sept. 7 show with Nancy Red Star, learn about the ET legends of Indians and other indigenous people by clicking on "Listen Now" at the top right of... continued