This Time It’s Us

September 11, 2002
Anne Strieber posted this Diary on September 12, 2001: When the World Trade Center in New York City was reduced to rubble by terrorists on Tuesday, September 11, it hit me especially hard, because I lived in New York for... continued

Smoking Kills Your Pets

September 10, 2002
Smoking may not only kill you, it can kill your pets as well. "Cats that live with cigarette smokers are twice as likely to develop feline lymphoma," says Antony Moore of Tufts University. Feline lymphoma is a deadly cancer of... continued

Heavy Rains Make Volcanoes Erupt

September 10, 2002
The most dangerous type of volcanic eruption can be set off by heavy rain, meaning that watching the weather could save lives. This type of eruption is a "dome collapse," which has caused more than 70% of the volcano-related deaths... continued

FBI Dropped the Ball–Again

September 10, 2002
As we approach the anniversary of 911, we hope that the FBI will get intelligence information about the NEXT terrorist attack. But it's hard to feel hopeful when we hear about yet another time they dropped the ball before September... continued

We’re on the March, But Can We Win?

September 10, 2002
Despite official U.S. government announcements that we have not yet decided if we will invade Iraq, the military has ordered the movement of tens of thousands of men and tons of supplies to the Gulf region on a scale not... continued

Terrorism Warning

September 10, 2002
The US government has announced that there is a "high risk of terrorist attacks" at the present time. This is the first such announcement since March. U.S. officials issued the warning after intercepting "background chatter" electronically that suggested that attacks... continued

Satellite Reveals Iraq Nuke Sites

September 9, 2002
The September 6 New York Times reports that a team of weapons inspectors studying satellite photography have identified several sites in Iraq where they suspect nuclear weapons are being made. These are sites with new construction that has taken place... continued

Aliens in the Military?

September 9, 2002
The Russian newspaper Pravda reports that an American military officer, who wants to remain anonymous, says aliens took part in a military exercise in Arkansas in l992. "There are some things that I cannot talk about. Yet, I think I... continued

Why Teens Have Sex

September 9, 2002
New research shows parents who smoke, drink and otherwise put their health at risk are more likely to have teenagers who experiment with sex. The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, a school-based study of adolescents, shows that children of... continued

Global Warming Blamed for Floods

September 9, 2002
The recent flooding of European cities has made scientists wonder if the weather is permanently changing. There is growing evidence of a link between global warming and the floods and droughts that have devastated parts of Asia and Europe this... continued