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Aliens in the Military?
September 9, 2002The Russian newspaper Pravda reports that an American military officer, who wants to remain anonymous, says aliens took part in a military exercise in Arkansas in l992. "There are some things that I cannot talk about. Yet, I think I... continued
Why Teens Have Sex
September 9, 2002New research shows parents who smoke, drink and otherwise put their health at risk are more likely to have teenagers who experiment with sex. The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, a school-based study of adolescents, shows that children of... continued
Global Warming Blamed for Floods
September 9, 2002The recent flooding of European cities has made scientists wonder if the weather is permanently changing. There is growing evidence of a link between global warming and the floods and droughts that have devastated parts of Asia and Europe this... continued
Satellite Reveals Iraq Nuke Sites
September 9, 2002The September 6 New York Times reports that a team of weapons inspectors studying satellite photography have identified several sites in Iraq where they suspect nuclear weapons are being made. These are sites with new construction that has taken place... continued
We’re Leaving Live365
September 8, 2002Once again, Live365 is not working, but we have been--working to get Dreamland on a better internet radio platform, that is. We're going to be moving shortly. After the move, pressing the "Listen Now" button on the homepage will spawn... continued
Whitley?s Journal: The Coming of the Dark Side
September 7, 2002In Whitley Strieber's new Journal, he says, "I have been thinking for a while about whether or not I would ever write this journal entry. But I am going to write it, and I'm going to tell you things in... continued
Proof That Bigfoot Lives
September 6, 2002World famous hair expert Hans Brunner may soon prove that a Yeti is living on an island in Indonesia. Legends of the Orang Pendek, or Little Man of the Forest, have circulated in that part of the world for centuries.... continued
Satellites Reveal Rapid Polar Melting
September 6, 2002Recent NASA satellite images and space-based measurements of the thickness of Earth's polar ice sheets show they are melting much more rapidly than we thought. Large areas of ice in southeast Greenland, West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula are changing... continued
Are We Invading Iraq for the Oil?
September 6, 2002The U.S. military buildup is now estimated to consist of up to 100,000 troops positioned within striking distance of Iraq. In the midst of these preparations for a new war in the Middle East, one question is never asked: Are... continued
Not Too Late for Summer Tan
September 6, 2002It's never too late if you tan the new Australian way?with a skin implant that gives you an all-over tan with only one dose, by triggering the production of the dark pigment melanin in the skin. It also protects you... continued