Space Demands Extreme Recycling

September 2, 2002
There's not much room on the International Space Station, so everything must be recycled?including urine and sweat, which can end up back in the water astronauts drink. Quenching your thirst with what was once flushed down the toilet seems repulsive,... continued

Incredible Sunspot Photo

August 31, 2002
Despite the fact that the maximum activity period of the 11-year solar cycle was supposed to start winding down last February, solar activity remains at a very high level, making this one of the largest solar maximums recorded so far.... continued

Sex and Gore Must Stay

August 30, 2002
The Directors Guild of America may take legal action against companies that sell edited versions of films with the sex and gore taken out. Most of these companies are in Utah and sell censoring software or already-altered videos and DVDs... continued

Coffee Fights Cancer?or Not

August 30, 2002
Caffeine protects mice from skin cancer when it's rubbed onto their skin, and if you find yourself on a beach without sunscreen, it may do the same for you. The results were almost as good using green tea. Scientists have... continued

Suburbs Make Drought Worse

August 30, 2002
Suburban strip malls, office buildings and other paved areas make droughts worse by blocking billions of gallons of rainwater from seeping through the soil to replenish ground water. Atlanta, which is the most rapidly sprawling metropolitan area, loses enough water... continued

Jerusalem Wall May Ignite Major War

August 30, 2002
A bulge in the wall of Jerusalem's Temple Mount may ignite a huge battle between Palestinians and Jews. This area is the holiest site in Judaism and is the only part that is left of the Temple Mount that was... continued

Brand Name Buzz

August 29, 2002
Scientists have discovered that brand name products have a greater impact on our brains than similar, generic items, because brand names engage the "emotional," right-hand side of the brain. Our brains don't process all types of words in the same... continued

Three Secrets of a Long Life

August 29, 2002
Scientists have discovered 3 things that predict how long you?re going to live: a low body temperature, your levels of insulin and a chemical called DHEAS, and how tough your stem cells are. The first two come from experiments in... continued

Life Can Survive on Mars

August 29, 2002
Microbes may be able to survive on Mars. This means that life could have existed there in the past, and may be there today, hidden under a crust of ice. While microbes aren't as exciting as discovering a Martian civilization,... continued

Robot Will Explore Hidden Pyramid Room

August 29, 2002
For over a century, archeologists have speculated about what's behind a blocked-off door in the Great Pyramid of Giza. The door was discovered in 1872 and is blocked by a gigantic stone. On September 17, a robot will crawl under... continued