Crowds Changing City Weather

August 26, 2002
Tokyo has become so crowded that the accumulated heat from all the human activity is changing local weather patterns. "We are seeing more than just an increase in temperatures," says Shuhei Akashi, of Japan's Central Meteorological Agency. "It is changing... continued

AIDS?Chimps Survived It, We Will Too

August 26, 2002
Chimpanzees may have survived an epidemic like AIDS two million years ago, which explains why they are now immune to AIDS. This means that eventually?a long time from now?humans will probably be immune too. Chimpanzees have only half as many... continued

Are Clones Safe to Eat?

August 26, 2002
The FDA has officially announced that cloned animals are safe to eat, but says that products made from genetically-modified animals could be unsafe. They are currently deciding whether to allow the sale of genetically-modified milk. The FDA is worried about... continued

U.S. Supported Iraq?s Bioweapons

August 26, 2002
A Reagan administration program provided Iraq with military planning assistance against Iran even though we knew Iraq planned to use chemical weapons, according to senior military officers who wish to remain anonymous. This went on while we were publicly condemning... continued

Soon You Can Visit Jurassic Park

August 23, 2002
Scientists from Japan and Russia want to create a safari park featuring real mammoths and woolly rhinoceros that will be open to tourists in the next 20 years. They plan to travel to Siberia to look for the frozen carcasses... continued

Giant Hoppers from Hell

August 23, 2002
Central Florida has been invaded by giant 4-inch grasshoppers that are immune to pesticides and taste too bad to be eaten by predators. The Eastern lubber is yellow with red and black markings. It?s too fat to fly, but it... continued

Al-Qaeda Hiding in Iraq

August 23, 2002
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld says al-Qaeda terrorists are inside Iraq and supported by the Iraqi government. "I have said repeatedly that there are al-Qaeda in Iraq," he says. "There are. They have left Afghanistan, they have left other locations,... continued

Drought Makes Bees Mean

August 23, 2002
Recent bee attacks in Arizona have convinced some experts that drought may be making thirsty bees more aggressive. They could be moving into populated areas looking for water. "This is a very real problem," says beekeeper Tom Martin, who thinks... continued

Have U.S. Astronauts Seen UFOs? By Jim Marrs

August 23, 2002
If alien craft truly exist, wouldn't the American astronauts have seen and reported such?....Has this nation's spacefarers confronted the unknown in space? The answer is a resounding "yes." The problem is that the mass media usually fails to widely distribute... continued

Our Best Chance to Eavesdrop on ET

August 22, 2002
Our best chance of picking up a broadcast from intelligent aliens is when the Earth is closest to being directly between our Sun and the transmitting alien star. Robin Corbet, of the Universities Space Research Association, thinks Aliens trying to... continued