To Speak Well, Snip Your Tongue

August 22, 2002
More and more Chinese want to learn to speak English correctly, and many of them are having tongue operations to improve their pronunciation. Plastic surgeons there claim that minor surgery can improve pronunciation overnight. The operation is quick?just a snip... continued

Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye

August 22, 2002
Or least say goodbye to that dreaded drill. Dentists in the U.K. have started using a new treatment which does away with the need for injections, drilling and fillings. The treatment, called Healozone, uses a blast of ozone gas to... continued

Ghosts–They’re Still Around

August 21, 2002
You don't have to "believe" in ghosts to run into them. In Virginia, Indian ghosts regularly appear on the newly-opened Pocahontas Parkway. One truck driver recently saw three of them. "The truck driver came through and said he saw [three]... continued

Japan May Drown in Giant Wave

August 21, 2002
Scientists in Japan have discovered an underwater fault off the coast that could unleash a giant "tsunami" tidal wave that would engulf the mainland with almost no warning. The newly-detected fault, which is only a few miles from the land,... continued

Got West Nile? It May Be Genetic

August 21, 2002
A genetic mutation may be the reason why only one-fifth of the people who are infected with West Nile virus go on to develop symptoms, and only one-fifth of this group develop a severe, and often fatal, brain inflammation. A... continued

Palestinians Want It All

August 21, 2002
?At least the terrorist organization Hamas does. The Palestinian Authority says it has failed to get them to agree to stop suicide bombings. Hamas also refuses to go along with an agreement to establish a Palestinian state in the West... continued

Cat Litter Leads to Car Crashes

August 20, 2002
If you're the one who empties the cat litter, you're morelikely to have a car crash. Scientists warn that the diseasetoxoplasmosis can increase your risk of an auto accidentbecause the cysts which form your the nerves and muscletissue could reduce... continued

Fake Food Can Make You Sick

August 20, 2002
Quorn, a fake meat made from fungus, has now reached theU.S. and it's making people sick. The Center for Science inthe Public Interest has received reports from 33 people whosuffered vomiting and diarrhea after eating Quorn. A NorthCarolina man broke... continued

Saudis Censor Western Websites

August 20, 2002
Over 2,000 U.S. websites are blocked by the SaudiGovernment, and not just pornography, either. Many of themare cultural information or woman's sites. "We foundblockage of quite a bit of content beyond political contentand pornography," says Ben Edelman of Harvard University."We... continued

New Airport Security: Mind Reading

August 20, 2002
Besides x-ray machines, metal detectors and old-fashionedpat-downs, airport security will soon be able to read ourminds. NASA has told Northwest Airlines they're developingbrain-monitoring devices which can receive and analyzebrain-wave and heartbeat patterns, then feed that data intocomputerized programs "to detect... continued